Roll Call!

on 6/29/04 1:13 am - Crossville, TN
Hehe - That makes me feel like a teacher!! Where is everyone? What's your plans for the 4th of July? I know ya'll are out there, lurking - So come on and post!!! Anyways, I'm doing the typical run around the day before you leave town but I'm also having doubts about going too. I had this little fantasy that I'd loss over 200 pounds THEN go to Michigan and surprise the heck out of them. Well - They knew I had the surgery, everyone did but it still would of been a cool surprise for me, atleast. It's werid how I've not heard from some of my cousins in awhile and all the sudden out of the blue there e-mailing me and saying "Oh I can't wait to see you - This weekend is going to be so much fun!" - I just wanna scream.... "What the hell is going on here?!" hehe... But enough about my rambling! I just finished walking! I need to get my butt off the computer! Talk to you all later and dang it! POST PEOPLE! We know your lurking and lurking isn't all that fun! -Katie
Bernice B.
on 6/29/04 1:26 am - Camden, TN
Good morning there Katie, Have you ever concidered being a teacher? HE HE, just kidding. How are you this morning? I'm waiting for dh to let me know how a job interview went this morning. Going crazy waiting.. Have a great vacation, Bernice Beardsley
on 6/29/04 2:50 pm - Crossville, TN
So.... How'd the job interview go for hubby?
Eva O.
on 6/29/04 1:44 am - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Katie, an yes we are lurking about i have been argueing with aol about my account with them,but allas it does no good to to do that.they always enough of is your world today,i hope you have a good trip. enjoy Eva
on 6/29/04 6:04 am - Alabama, AL
AOL Always Wins? Oh NO they do not. If you scream loud enough, you win and they give you many months of free service. The question is, how many times are you willing to put up the fight to keep their service? Fortunately for us, AOL is not the only ISP out there and when people close their accounts and take their business elsewhere, AOL will finally begin to pay attention and improve customer service. I recently cancelled my account with AOL after over EIGHT year of service through them, and it was all over their customer service. They begged me not to cancel...offered up to six months free to stay. I had to DEMAND that they close my account on a specific date. They wanted to leave it open and not bill me for the service. It was absolutely crazy. I wanted it closed so that if someone sent e-mail, it would bounce and they would know that I was no longer with AOL. I did not want to have to keep going back and forth between AOL and my new ISP checking for e-mail. Just remember, everywhere you go, every place you spend money... a certain part of that money goes to pay for customer service. Remember that you are paying for customer service and do not be afraid to demand GOOD customer service--or take your business elsewhere. Until you hit these companies in the pocketbooks...they are going to continue to take advantage of people...and while you may think your one account won't matter to them, multiply that by the thousands of unhappy customers and it would be very signifigant if all those people refused to sit back and be taken advantage of and spent their dollars elsewhere. I work hard for my money and I am going to get my dollars worth or I won't spend it!
on 6/29/04 1:59 am - Hampshire, TN
Good Morning everyone.... Its going to be a beautiful day.... I have no real plans for the fourth.. There is a family reunion but Missouri is just to long of a hall for me this weekend.... I am so ready to go to the doctor this Thursday.... Katie I hope you have a good trip and thanks for chatting last night with me.... Hope everyone has a great day Much love and hugs Robin
Cherry C.
on 6/29/04 3:59 am - Morristown, TN
Hey, Katie and everyone else! I am sitting looking at the computer waiting for tommorrow night second sleep study. Then cpak and then praying for a WLS date! Don't want to jinks it! Just trying to stay calm! Any other time we would have big plans for the 4th but..... we don't have any really. That is my DH birthday and usually we have a fish fry with about 50-60 people. I just can't get into it this year and he is still starry eyed over the new Harley so.... I am just counting the days here! Maybe after sleep study #2 I will know something! Last two days I have just been down in the dumps I don't know what it is ! It is just hard for me to believe all this is true! I keep worring something is going to happen! I mean like insurance trouble or doctor trouble or hell who knows?? Hope everyone has a GREAT holiday! Katie, I don't know if you ever watched Ledgens of The Fall but as Brad Pitts father said on there S--EW UM!! Hope that does not offened anyone! Have a great time with your grandma and don't worry about them! Remember you did this for you! You look great and you are doing a super job! You are my hero! Robin you go girl you are doing great! love to all! Cherry
on 6/29/04 2:56 pm - Crossville, TN
Hey Cherry! It's normal to feel the way you are! I was down in the dumps for awhile before surgery but thank goodness I had Tonya to kick me in the butt, when I got moody! However, I've never watched "Ledgens Of The Falls" but odd enough it's sitting in my living room still wrapped from the store. My mom bought it and said I could watch it since she didn't have a DVD player yet! -- I'll probably get to it this weekend cause there's been a change in plans! (I'll explain later!) Hope your sleep study goes well! Good Luck! -Katie
Debbie G.
on 6/29/04 4:46 am - Greeneville, TN
Hey there Katie, You are just too much of an early bird for me. I usually don't get on the computer until later in the day. But no matter the time of day, I always see your smiling face. I hope you have a good trip to Michigan. I will probably be heading for Myrtle Beach for the 4th. My hubby and I have gone ever year for the 4th for the last 18 years. I am hoping by this time next year, I won't feel so bad about wearing a bathing suit. Last year I got down in one of those poolside chairs and couldn't get up. It was really quite embarrassing to say the least. Oh well, I'll just have to call the wrecker service and roll on if that happens this year! Happy Fourth of July to Everyone!!
on 6/29/04 3:03 pm - Crossville, TN
Aww your to kind! Hope you have a godo time at the beach! Just think next year you'll be a whoel new person! Enjoy! -Katie
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