I got the insurance blues

Jen B.
on 6/28/04 7:45 am - TN
Grrrrr! I spoke with my insurance today. They said a decision was made on the 25th and both my doctor and I have been sent a letter. I emailed the doctor's office today to see if they'd received it. She said that she hasn't got a letter, but got a phone call from UHC who said it was not a covered benefit unless my BMI is 40 or above. Mine is 37.8! She's called them back to find out when this was made effective as they did formerly look at comorbidities if the BMI was 35 - 40. They haven't called her back yet. I can't believe it. Does the fact that EVERYONE on my father's side of the family is diabetic and has had heart trouble at an early age mean nothing? The person who makes the decision has probably weighed no more than 110 lbs in their life....185 if a man. Ok...enough of the pity party...we're going to appeal this if we need to. It will get done one way (weigh) or another. I know...that was bad! More later!
Julie G.
on 6/28/04 8:08 am - Lebanon, TN
Jen, Don't give up girl. You deserve to be healthy and happy. Don't be afraid to fight hard for what you want. Keep us updated. Julie
Linda R.
on 6/28/04 8:09 am - maryville, tn
Jen I'm so sorry you are getting the run around. Don't give up I have read some awsome things on this site about how people got denials over turned !!! So you hang in . Best wishes, Linda
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