Six month waiting period

Debbie G.
on 6/23/04 11:03 pm - Greeneville, TN
Good Morning Everyone, I need some advice from all the great weight loss experts out there. I have John Deere Select POS insurance and they have told me that I must complete a six month physician approved diet before they will approve my surgery. My question is: should I wait until I finish this six month torture process before I go ahead and have my psych evaluation completed? My PCP thinks this is a bunch of crap to have to wait this long and I tend to agree with him, but I want to make sure I cover all of my bases with the insurance company. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
on 6/23/04 11:48 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Find out what your chosen surgeon wants you to do and go from there. It can make life easier on your journey. Anne
Debbie G.
on 6/24/04 12:52 am - Greeneville, TN
Thanks a lot Anne. I appreciate your response.
Laura H.
on 6/24/04 4:27 am - Memphis, TN
I am doing my six months right now - won't finish until August, but I am having my psych eval on Friday and will meet with the nutritionist next month. I don't think it will hurt to get it out of the way. Laura
Debbie G.
on 6/24/04 11:39 am - Greeneville, TN
Thanks Laura, I think I will go ahead and try to get some of my stuff out of the way. I have only just begun so I am going to be looking at Jan. or Feb. before I can have my surgery. I hate this waiting game, but I know it will be worth it in the end. I have enough documented diets in my medical charts to fill a four drawer filing cabinet, but they haven't been in the last six months. So I am just going thru the torture of another diet plan.
on 6/25/04 2:29 am - Arlington, TN
the choice has to be your but I would not do it until I had been approved. until then the psych eval wont be covered by your insurance co if they do cover it at all. nor will any of the other tests be covered. and as far as I can recall the Ins Co. wont pay the bills retroactively once you do get approved. So unless your loaded with extra cash I would wait on approval. now as to the 6 months, have you been seeing your PCP for longer than 6 months? I was told the same thing but managed to show BCBS that I had been seeing my PCP regularly over diet and weight issues for far longer than that and they acepted it. good luck
Debbie G.
on 6/25/04 3:51 am - Greeneville, TN
Thanks a bunch Joe. I have to admit I am just the average working gal and being loaded with cash is just my fantasy. (Right after having a beautiful body!!)LOL I think I will wait and keep pestering my insurance company. I do have tons of diets on my medical records over the last 20 years, but John Deere tells me that have to cover the last six months before my initial consultation with the dr. and the last three months before the surgery. My PCP even wrote them a letter and they still wouldn't accept it. Guess I will just plug along and keep reading all the good things about how life will be after I finally get approved. Someday you will see me yelling Yippppppeeeeeee!!!!
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