Happy Tuesday!

Melissa D.
on 6/16/04 1:53 pm - North Nashville, TN
Cherry, Girl you should start an advice column! I just about fell out of my chair laughing when I read your post. Very, VERY good points...all of them. I am in the process of getting a divorce, so I can't say I had a good one. Not that he was terrible by any means, he just made some bad choices. Which, we all know, is life. So...picking up the pieces and moving on, I thank you for your words of wisdom. If I ever decide I want to date again, I might just have to post these on my wall as a reminder! Thanks for the giggle...I needed it today. Melissa
on 6/15/04 11:46 am - COVINGTON, TN
Good evening Melanie. I'm at work right now and am off for the next two days.......I can't wait. Not too much longer for me to go. Hope all of you have a great day. Anne
T H.
on 6/15/04 11:59 am - NH
Mel, I'm around ... Been lurking a great deal as I got a lot going on with work and whatnot but rest assured I am keeping an eye on what's going on with the TN board. 20 pounds is great in 3 weeks! The average is about 7-10 pounds a week (according to my doctor) so you are right on track kiddo in terms of the average. Just make sure that you are following the consumption rules for your stage and make sure to try and get the water and some exercise going ... Also, weight is a weird thing, often times loss is seen outside of a scale. I have lost pant size stuff but have no idea if the needle moved. One word of advice: DO NOT BE A SLAVE TO A SCALE! Focus on the fact that you are feeling better and getting healthy, the weight loss will come. You're not one of those "it didn't work for" so drop that mantra now, kiddo! Just remember that addage that you (and I as well as any overweight person) has heard ... It took a while to get there and it'll take a little while to get off. You're doing great for 3 weeks PO. Be proud of yourself that you are losing even if it's a pound! And don;t compare your loss to anyone else, we are all unique! So, buck up little camper and don't let that scale control your mood and motivation, you're doing great and I know everyone is proud of ya and you should be of yourself ... Now, don't make me have to drag my soapbox out an lecture like this again ... Have some faith in yourself, it's all good!!!
on 6/15/04 10:41 pm - TN
LOL Yes sir, Will! Thanks for the pep talk. I put the scale away in the closet. I'm going to try to only weigh once a week on Tuesdays since surgery was a Tuesday. I talked to Holly yesterday and she told me to get more liquids in and start walking. I've been doing a lot of walking in stores shopping lol but some how I dont think it counts lol. Thanks again, Will, for your encouragement. Dont know what i'd do without this site! Hugs!! How are things with you, besides busy at work? Melanie
T H.
on 6/16/04 2:07 am - NH
Hee hee hee ... Removing the scale is a great idea, but just remember that the loss will come, just stay focused on what you are doing. More walking and water will help. Some walking such as store browsing might help me, as I have a great deal more weight to loose but you may have to be a little more cardiac in your movement. I am starting with .25 mile with a DVD I watch. I have a real hard time getting my walking in as I work long hours but we both can do it! Katie has become a walking machine, I wish I could be as disciplined as her ... Things are well. Feeling pretty good these days. Have had no real trouble eating other than I am wanting a few more vegetable choices like beans, cabbage, calloflower and broccoli but I am hanging in there. Keep up the good work, kiddo!
on 6/16/04 10:51 am - Crossville, TN
Todd, LOL - I didn't walk for 2 days and boy can I feel it! Anyways, I don't see why you can't be having beans - There very easy to chew and most have alot of protein points. I've heard a few people eating refried beans with melted cheese, I personally eat alot of them - thankfully they don't hurt my stomach. But with the veggies, I started out with cucumbers (cutting the seeds out)... But you could try some cooked veggies! Good luck! -Katie
T H.
on 6/16/04 11:44 am - NH
Technically, I could it I wanted but it's not on my doctor's regimen until at least 6 months according to his program and I am trying to stay as true to the guidlines as I can. If I get a big enough hankering, I'll have some as I know that they will be protein laden. I've had some cooked vegetables but would just like the "official word" from my nutritionist to introduce new items ...
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