Happy Tuesday!

on 6/14/04 11:01 pm - TN
Hello my OH family! Good morning! I hope you all have a wonderful losing day today, myself included lol. I'm off to work here in a minute and just wanted to swing by and say howdy. Where are you hiding Will?? Havent seen you in a bit. Katie, how was the shopping trip? I think i'm on a plateau. I put my scale away this morning as i've turned into a complete scale ho. My scale and the one at Dr. Houstons office is off by 3 lbs but i'm stuck around 20-ish lbs. I'm 3 wks PO today. I feel like i'm not getting anywhere. Wouldnt it just be a kick in the pants to be the one person in a bazillion this surgery doesnt work for... waaaaaaaaaa Love you guys! Mel
on 6/14/04 11:30 pm - Hampshire, TN
Hello there Mel Just keep positive and lean on us.. We are all cheering you on I feel the same way.. I only have 8 more days before my surgery... I am so nervous and so excited that I can hardly stand it... But I am so looking forward to be on the losing side... I want to be healthy.. are you feeling okay... how long did you have to be off work? I want to go back as soon as possible... I am also signing up for the Walk for Obesity... I should be 3 months post op....Well best wishes... and keep your chin up!!!!!! Love you guys too!!!!!!! Robin
on 6/15/04 12:17 am - Crossville, TN
Good Morning Mellie! I'm okay, I guess! Guy troubles and I can't eat ice cream to get over it! But anyways, my shopping trip was good. I tried on cloths but apparently I gained more weight then, I wanted to believe. Cause I'm just now fitting in to my old size before surgery. Gosh, I freakin suck! However, glad to see your doing well! And don't be getting on the scale to much - It won't help the out come chickie! Once a week only, don't make me come and steal your scale! Take care, Katie
Cherry C.
on 6/15/04 1:20 am - Morristown, TN
Mel, I think you are doing great! Just hang in there. By the way tell me what you ate at Logans. I am worried about after WLS trying to eat out. Katie, Honey, let me give you some advice someone gave me once. No offence to anyone I hope. All men are butt holes you just try to fine the smallest butt hole and stay with him! Please no flaming from the guys we know all of you are sweethears but.... we are not married or dateing you! Hang in there GF just eat all the sugar free pop ice you want! To everyone else have a great day! Cherry P.S. Michelle PLEASE call me I am going crazy wondering what they told you at your doctor. Cherry
on 6/15/04 7:57 am - Crossville, TN
Aww thanks for the advice, Cherry! My mom always said "All men are alike, you just gotta find one you can live with!" - No I'm not flaming the men even after I've gotten hurt! I adore ya'll to much! But the whole thing just gets me, we've talked, been together, and etc for over a year in half and all the sudden he's like "Oh I thought we were just friends!" - BullFreakin****! *shuts up now* Hope ya'll all had a good day! - I have good news! A dress that use to be TIGHT on me, now fits! I'm so happy! -Katie
Cherry C.
on 6/15/04 8:06 am - Morristown, TN
Katie, Watch the good ole boy eat his heart out when he sees you out having fun with someone else! Even better you will be slimmer and trimmer!That dress will be to big before you know it! Go Katie!! Cherry
on 6/15/04 8:19 am - Crossville, TN
HAHAHA I agree with you there, Cherry! I can't wait till I get smaller and start discovering all the things I've not done my whole entire life - He'll be wishing he wasn't such an ass! I just don't know if I want to stay "just friends!" - Thats a tough thing deal with after what happened. Anyways, are most of you married on this site? I know Tonya & I are single chicks but I'm not sure about the rest of you.
on 6/15/04 8:26 am - JOELTON, TN
Katie, I agree with Cherry. In a month or so he will be begging some cute little hot chick. (YOU) to go out with him. SORRY SHE'S TO HOT FOR YOU, THEN YOU (hot chick) TELL HIM YOU JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS, and he can kiss your skinny ______. Honey you won't have any trouble finding you a GOOD guy. I know there are still some out there. I couldn't have got the last one. I told you this morning to go to Walmart and get you a scale, now don't you go to stealing Barb
Cherry C.
on 6/15/04 8:42 am - Morristown, TN
Barb, You go girl! Cherry Katie, Be sure and tell him you just want to be friends and if you really want him all you have to do is act like you don't! Smile alot when you are around him so he won't know whats up. Drives them all CRAZY!!! If he is at your house and even your Mom calls just act really secretive and say let me call you back! Or if you have a cell phone when it rings and its your Mom or anyone just turn your back and say " Hey, I am soo glad you called but I am going to have to call you back" giggle then say "ok I promise" Hang up and smile like the cat that just got the bird! Drives them crazy!! I am married!! Very Happily! Got a good one! Paid my dues with the bigger butt holes before I got him! He is a keeper! Cherry
on 6/15/04 10:43 am - JOELTON, TN
Katie with all this advice from us older & wiser WL buddies , you'll have him eating out of your hand. Cherry is so right Play it cool don't let him know it's bothering you in the least. Sound's like me & Cherry both got us good ones. We just might know what we're talking about. Don't let our DH's know. We got em right where we want em. Barb
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