Here's a poll question for you........

on 6/15/04 12:17 pm - nashville, TN
are you trying to make me again up in here lol.well i had to sit and really think about this one.i havent been big all my life so once it hit me and i couldnt get it off it changed my whole still a very out going person but as i have got bigger i have started cutting my self off more and more. my FAT(yes i said the F word lol) has held me back from playing with my 5 yr old son the way i did with his 13,11 yr old sisters. my FAT has held me back from real love.i have not only once but twice pushed away a good man because i felt like why is this man with me?he got to be trying to just use me(which neither one was doing) and they both tried everything under the sun to prove to me their love.but i being the that i am just pushed them away thinking they really want a skinny woman i thought that they could do better.well i havent had my surgery yet but i have worked on kym on the inside and i know now that fat or not im a good woman and should be loved. Fat has also held me back when it came to working just because of the pain i was in because of weight making a old injury hurt worse than it would if i was smaller.and im not eveeeeeeen going to start on my knees lol and not being able to stand for a long period of time.
on 6/15/04 2:32 pm - South Central, TN
Isn't it weird how big people always think they don't deserve something. Whether it be a good job, an education, love, friends whatever it is, for some reason we always (Well most of us, not everyone) seems to think that we don't deserve the "good" things in life. Do you think this comes more from the media? I mean it has to doesn't it? I mean it used to be that a man was considered rich if he kept his wife fat, he was considered prosperous, b/c of the size of his wife. A round, plump body used to be considered the standard of beauty but over the years as the models & movie stars have gotten thinner & thinner our concept of beauty has changed & big people have been stigmatized as being lazy, stupid, not deserving of the things that the "beautiful" people have. I'm no expert or anything, I just think that it's interesting to see the changes of the people on this board & others who have lost the weight, it is so much more than cosmetic, it really changes their lives & anyone who says it doesn't is fooling themselves. I for one can't wait to find out! Well, ok enough of this serious s***. I think you're beautiful Kym & like you I am working on my inside, no matter what I look like on the outside I do deserve the same thing as the "beautiful" people! TTYS Candi
on 6/16/04 2:40 am - nashville, TN
awww thank u i think that every one getting this surgery should work on the inside 1st because its not going to just change the way you look. its going to change your life.
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