psych evaluation !

Linda R.
on 6/12/04 1:42 am - maryville, tn
I have been denied pending a psych evaluation, did not see it was required for WLS on my ins website of requriments. Oh well always something...I have my first visit on Thurs the 17th for an hour and a half hours? What on earth do you talk about for that long? And what do you talk about for a second visit? Can someone tell me how to get the message emoticons to work, I'm not real good with this computer thing!!! Thanks !!
on 6/12/04 2:22 am - Arlington, TN
wish I could help with the emoticons but i cant make them work either. onec the psyche eval is done I am sure you will fly through approval. if not we will just beat them down with persistance .
Linda R.
on 6/13/04 5:54 am - maryville, tn
Thanks !!! I got this emoticons thingy ! I was typing it in my message but I didn't see it right away so I took it out, it dosen't show-up till you do preview. Ok I said I wasn't good at computers... I hope this helps you. Thank you for your input on Dr Bender also.
on 6/12/04 4:48 am - Chattanooga, TN
A lot of what the psych eval will be depends on the shrink you see. My first appt. was only 45 min. During that he had me draw pictures. Yes I said pictures. Somehow from the pictures he had me draw he decided that I have Post Tramatic Stress Syndrome. *shrug* has something to do with my childhood. Anywho the second appt was about 2.5 hrs long and it was actual testing. He had me look at inkblots, tell stories from looking at a single pic (what happened before the pic, during and the outcome), then there was an IQ test I was given by his partner. Defininf words, using words in a sentence, math, arranging blocks into patterns. (which by the way I did well on except for short term memory on numbers which they think could have been because I was nervous, well duh!!) My shrink actually told me in the first visit that he would write a letter of recomendation for the surgery since I had my mind set on it and would just continue going to different shrinks till I found one that would. Didn't realize I was that pushy *giggle*. What Ive seen from what most ppl say the shrink is basically trying to see if you have the mind and mindset to be able to make the decision to have WLS and to follow through with what will be required of you after you have it. Also to diagnose any underlying health issues, like the PTSS that I was diagonosed with or depression etc... which in most cases if you are diagnosed with any won't affect your chance for WLS. More than likely they will just suggest psychotropic meds and/or counseling. Wish you the best. Hang in there its getting close. *huggles*
on 6/12/04 5:05 am - TN
Hi Linda! Dont be too worried about the psych eval. Mine was 3 hours. I took two written tests, which took 2 hours, and the last hour was spent talking with the psychologist. They are just looking for signs that you wouldnt be able to cope with the changes etc. involved with surgery. Its not as bad as you may think. As for the emoticons, when you are posting, on the right hand side of the screen you will see two blue blocks that say "title images" and "message emoticons". The title one will appear in the title block of your post. The message emoticons go in the body of your post. When you click on the arrow the list will drop down. You will see the faces and to the left it will say the command for that face. For example, if you want the smiley face that is vomiting the command is thats what you type in your message body. When you click to preview you will see the face in your message. Hope this helps! God bless! Melanie
wannabe an 8.
on 6/12/04 12:31 pm - knoxville, TN
Linda I wont be long now!! Take this as you wish.. I hope i dont get bashed for this... My psych eval lasted 45 minutes and costed 100.00( but filing it on insur.) THe dr had a list of questons he asked.. I answered and he said ok you passed.. I was so glad i did not have to look at ink blots and have 2 or 3 visits and answers 800 questions.. I know some people hada very extinsive (Spelling) eval... I am just glad i did not. We are very close to each other. I live in Knoxville.. Good Luck Michelle
Linda R.
on 6/13/04 5:48 am - maryville, tn
Michelle, Well I hope I get lucky like you did !!! haha I did it !! It's the little things... Thanks so much ! best wishes Linda
on 6/12/04 12:43 pm - JOELTON, TN
I wouldn't stress to much about the psych. eval. I don't think I was in there over 30min. Just questions about your family,(I lied about this all my family is crazy) then other questions like are you happy have you always been overweight, do you have family support, how many diets have you done in your lifetime, how is your health, etc just chit chat I thought. Now this is just how mine went. I have heard some folks say they have to fill out questionair of about 500 questions. You must have a #2 pencil, sit up stright and no cheating. Only kidding. I wish you luck and hope it all goes quickly for you. About the emotions, like Melissa said click preview then when it comes back up, go to the emotions and type in the word beside the emotion you want. lol just be sure to put : at the beginning and end or emotion. Then you can preview to see if its right and you like it. Barb in TN 7/28/04
on 6/12/04 1:34 pm - COVINGTON, TN
I'm amazed that your surgeon didn't tell you that an evaluation was needed. I haven't seen one person on this web site that didn't need some kind of evaluation to get approval. This is a first!!
Cherry C.
on 6/12/04 1:41 pm - Morristown, TN
Honey, let me tell you I was put threw the mill! lol lol I had 3 different test with questions 1- had 645, 2- had 90, and 3- had 165 then had to go back the next day for a L-o-n-g talk then look at ink blots sooo... they really must have thought I was crazy! rof lol lol I swear true story! Cherry
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