Need your prayers...

on 6/12/04 12:42 am - griffin, ga
After a month long battle trying to get my PCP office to send a referral for me and some rude comments from 2 nurses weighing 100 pounds soaking wet.... I have found a new PCP who is supportive of me having gastric bypass and her nurses. One of the nurses even had gastric bypass and it saved her life. So I am feeling a little better about my chances now... so please pray for me. It is so hard to sit and watch life pass you by and feel like you are missing out because of all this weight. It will be a god send to be able to particapate in life with my three kids and not feel like such an outcast and a failure.
Linda R.
on 6/12/04 12:55 am - maryville, tn
Susann, just keep thinking of the new life you will have!! God is working you found the right PCP ! I will keep you in my prayers.
on 6/12/04 1:35 am - TN
Hiya Susann and congratulations on your new, supportive pcp. It makes all the difference in the world to have support. And its easy for thin people to make comments, they have NO CLUE what its like for an obese person. Hang in there hon, things will fall into place for you. God bless! Melanie
on 6/12/04 4:39 am - Chattanooga, TN
You know I wish doctors and their nurses would realize that their comments and attitudes towards overweight ppl are why sooooooooo many overweight ppl do not get the medical care they need. Many overweight ppl would rather be trampled by a stampeade of buffalo than to have to go to their doctor. I have been rather lucky as far as a PCP. The PCP I have right now I have been seeing since I was 16. He has had to struggle with his own weight and his office staff is just awesome to me. He told me the first time I went to see him that, that visit was going to be the only time he mentioned anything about my weight anytime after that it would be me that brings it up. For the past 10 yrs he has kept his word. When I decided to have WLS his office bent over backwards to help me get through all the hoops. One of his nurses even told me that I should have called her when I found out my mom wasn't going to be able at the hospital before I went into surgery that she would have been there. Mind you that I live in chattanooga so this is where my PCP is but my surgery was in Clarksville almost 4 hrs away. Its hard to find such a PCP and office staff and I am glad that you have found one Susann. Just keep strong and keep pursuing it will all fall into place. *huggles*
Beckey D.
on 6/13/04 12:29 am - Sale Creek, TN
Augusta, Would you mind telling me who your PCP is? I also have a PCP in Chattanooga but he's not very familiar with GBS. I love him to death but can see that I may need another option. Hugs, Beckey You can privately email me if you prefer at: [email protected]
on 6/12/04 7:43 am - Nashville, TN
Susann, Congrats hon on finding a PCP that you feel comfortable with. I had the same trouble starting out, finding a PCP who supported WLS. Hang in there, you and I will be sittin on the loosers bench before we know it!!! Hugs, Carol
on 6/12/04 12:20 pm - JOELTON, TN
Hey Susann, I've got you on my prayer list with many other OH friends. God is working on this for you it's just that it's in his time not ours. He has led you to the new pcp and I'm sure the next step will be a great GB surgeon. Barb in TN 7/28/04
wannabe an 8.
on 6/12/04 12:25 pm - knoxville, TN
Susann I hope everything goes great for you. You will be in my prayers
Cherry C.
on 6/12/04 1:35 pm - Morristown, TN
Susann, Hang in there GF it will all come together. Just try to think positive! We will alll have you in our prayers! Good luck! We all have to stick together! Cherry
on 6/12/04 1:31 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Susan, All my thoughts and prayers are headed your way. I wish you the best in your journey.
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