Me again...
Not sure I am typical mine was submitted on 03/09 and I received a letter of approval like 03/20 and an email from Lisa Ferrell that Monday as I emailed her regularly. You can always call the BCBS member support line if you need to and check on things as well to ensure that they received it, etc. I think they use a utilization review model so they have a division that keeps up with that stuff as it gets in the system. Just maintain follow-up but after submittal it may take a few weeks and they may ask for more info. I was fortunate(?) that I had a few co-morbities and met the policy of "medical necessity" as outlined in the member manual pretty well so they were able to get me approved pretty effortlessly. I think it even surprised them. My response when they called and acted surprised that it went smoothly was "Wow, I must really be more messed up than I thought" ...
Hang in there!