FINALLY some news!!!!!!!!!

on 6/8/04 12:14 pm - South Central, TN
Well, I e-mailed the lady that sends our information to the insurance company today b/c I have called her several times to no avail. Well she e-mailed me back & said that she had indeed sent in my info to the insurance company, she said she did it this week, so it was probably Monday or yesterday, I AM SO PSYCHED!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's kind of surreal, like it's not really happening, but I guess that's b/c I haven't talked to anyone in their office, they don't set up their consults until they have approval from the insurance company, so it's really strange, like it's not really going on. But I am still thrilled to know that as we speak my insurance company is determining my fat, I mean fate LOL I CAN HARDLY STAND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I will keep everyone updated, I am believing that God has already put in the persons head who is going to review my case that it will be approved, so I am getting SOOOOOOOOOOO excited. Maybe a June date is still possible??? Everyone keep their fingers crossed for me! TTYS Candi aka The bandstalker
on 6/8/04 12:45 pm - nashville, TN
fingers crossed 4 yea lol
on 6/9/04 12:11 am - South Central, TN
Thanks Kym, for you too!
on 6/9/04 3:15 am - nashville, TN
thanks i need it im scared to call the insurance company i know that sounds crazy but i am lol .i dont think i could take hearing a NO right now . maybe i will get my best friend to call lol . dont forget to let us all know how it all turns out
on 6/9/04 12:25 am - South Central, TN
Thanks g/f, you too!
on 6/9/04 12:26 am - South Central, TN
Thanks g/f, you too!
on 6/9/04 12:27 am - South Central, TN
Now how'd that happen?? LOL
Eva O.
on 6/8/04 1:50 pm - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Candi, wow!!!!!!!! that is really great,i am so happy for ya,gf sounds like you are hot and ready to go, congrats on everything and maybe you will get that june date.Eyes, leggs,fingers,and anything elsa that you can cross lol for ya sweetie. Eva
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