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Roland J.
on 6/8/04 2:04 am - Vonore, TN
Hello. I'm currently waiting for surgery, I have been approved but I'm waiting for my disability to go through. Waiting is something I am not good at and I have little patience (heck of a character flaw) so this is difficult for me. I have already modified my diet to make the transition easier and to lose some weight because (at a height of 6'2") I last weighed at 549 lbs (BMI 70.5), 4 lbs over the limit for the surgery. I drink nothing bu****er and I am on a low carb high protein diet, though I do have a deep dish pizza in the fridge for my last meal before surgery. I can not wait, I am tired of being fat, and I am tired of eating. I am now eating salads. I found a carb-free salad dressing. It is not cheesecake but it will do. I have found out that salad is like tuna. It is something that I can eat once in a while, but not for every meal. My sister sent me a book, 'Before & After' by Susan Maria Leach. It is about a woman who has had the surgery and it is a cookbook for people who have had the surgery. She suggests that you should try out the protein supplements before the surgery so you can find the ones you like. I think I will do this. According to the book I will need to eat at least 118.75 grams of protein per day. If I eat more I will accelerate my weight loss. Hopefully when I weight myself Wednesday I will have lost some weight instead of gaining it. I have gone through my clothes sorting them by size. I have plenty of 54" but only a few 56", 58", and one 68". It leaves a gap between my current size 76" and 58". I had hoped that I would not need to buy any until my waist got smaller than 54" but it looks like I might need to. Smaller than 54", I thought I would never hear that day. I do not know why I saved these clothes but now I wish I had saved my high school clothes of 44". I wonder if I will get smaller than that. I can not imagine what it would be to have a waist smaller than 44" but if this goes well I might.
on 6/8/04 2:12 am - COVINGTON, TN
Well, Congratulations to you Roalnd. I hope that all goes well for you. I am having my surgery on the 28th of this month. Prayers are being sent your way. Anne
Cindy C.
on 6/8/04 2:36 am - Clarksville, TN
Congradulations Roland. I also have that book and loce it. I think it wll be a big help to me after surgery. I have surgery on 7-14 and am excited. I've not started drinking protien shakes yet but plan to after my nutrition ed class on June 23. Cindy
on 6/8/04 2:49 am - South Central, TN
Hey Roland, welcome! Sounds like you are really prepared. I can't wait to hear about your progress. If you're going to have to buy some pants, you should try thrift store, b/c you certainly won't be wearing them for very long. Keep up the good work! TTYS Candi
on 6/8/04 3:46 am - nashville, TN
hello sounds to me like your over the hard part.and i can understand not being happy with the hurry up and wait thing we all have to do lol. i also have the same flaw lol waiting to get approved is killing me lol.
on 6/8/04 6:32 am - beech bluff, TN
karen here i thank that i am going to make me some pants with draw strings so i can just tighten them
on 6/8/04 8:05 am - nashville, TN
good idea mind is i steal that one lol?i dont sew very good but my best friend does i may need to give her a call and ask if she loves me and how much lol.which is the line i use when i want something big lol.
on 6/8/04 12:01 pm - TN
Hi Roland and welcome to our OH family! We're glad to have you with us. The book you mentioned, the author of that book (Susan Maria) is a member of this website. She posts often on the main message board and is quite a nice lady. I wish you the best of luck in your weight loss journey and look forward to hearing your success stories. God bless! Melanie
Eva O.
on 6/8/04 2:09 pm - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Roland, You hang in thier,the time will pass before you know it. I to am waiting as is all of us want to be want to be thinner that is.Hey please let me know if you find any (good)tasting protein drinks lol.And welcome. Eva
on 6/9/04 12:09 pm - Arlington, TN
HI roland, welcome aboard. we need more men to speak up here. he book by susan is great. BY the way Susan is a member of OH and is on the main boards most every day . I am sure she would love to hear from you that you have her book and are usuing it. She is such a sweety. sort of a biker babe from her profile pics. She also often posts on updates to food that can be pruchased. she loves to cook and so looks for things that are more than edible , they must be very tasty for her to reccomend them to the group. she has a web sight as well. I believ eits bariatric eating. com but if not email me and i will hunt it up for you again welcome.
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