Good Morning All, just needing a little encouragement this Monday morning. Hopefully the Surgeons office will be submitting my paperwork to CIGNA HMO this week. I've completed everything except my four nutritional classes. I feel that I'm in for a big let down as far as getting approval. Mr. Doctor wrote a nice letter outlining the various diets I have tried and also recommending surgery, I passed the Psy. And Nutritional eval. There is information in my records indicating the use of Zenical and Phen Phen. My Cardiologist even recommended I had to do something about my weight. My concern is all my diet history is old. My BMI are 47, and I have several Co Morbidity illnesses. I've called CIGNA several times what are the qualifications for the surgery to be covered, and I'm always told you have to be morbid obese and the surgery have to be medically necessary, I just know it's more to it than that. Anyway thanks for hearing me or shall I say reading me whine... God Bless
Hiya Valerie! I know its hard hon, but try to stop worrying. It certainly sounds to me like you have all the bases covered. Try not to have yourself denied before the paperwork is even submitted lol. You meet the criteria. Try to relax and have faith in Jesus that all will be taken care of. I'll keep you in my prayers hon. God bless!
THANK YOU MEL for those encouraging words. Being obese all my life I have always felt there was a dark cloud always following me. And the dark cloud is the stigma that comes with being overweight. It's funny how you feel when you can actually visualize your self not being overweight. This is the first time in my life when I really feel it is possible. Know matter how may diets I have been on in the past, I never felt the way I'm feeling now. Even thought I have not been approved I'm happy and also scared because when it happens I will have the opportunity to live life as I have never (as far as I can remember) not being obese. I know you recently had surgury, how are you feeling with that prospect within your grasp? Anyone who can share a little insight, what do it feel like not to be obese anymore? God Bless
Hey Valerie,
Rita has Cigna and she was approved in 48 hours so you never know. She's having surgery this week.....I think she may be having it today infact. She didn't get ahold of me to give me the information to check on her so I'm not sure how she's doing. But keep your chin up it may be as easy for you as it was for her.