on 6/5/04 5:29 pm - Nashville, TN
Ok kids, I have a few suggestions for places to meet. I don't really think that finding a place will be nearly as difficult to coordinage as the day/time. I'm thinking that majority rules, does everyone agree? If so, we need to take a poll and find out when the majority of us are available to come out and play Weekends? Days? Nights? Weekdays??? As for places to meet, I know of a few here in Nashville that will be perfect for this bunch of nuts Lemme know what "ya'll" think, Hugs Carol
wannabe an 8.
on 6/5/04 11:12 pm - knoxville, TN
Ok for me... M best time is weekends as i will not be able to come thru the week. .. I love the idea of this .... I miss Nashville.... where were you thinging about meeting? I used to live there so i am putting on my thinking cap.. Are we talking about a weekender ? A picnic ? or what kind of meeting are we doing?
on 6/5/04 11:26 pm - Nashville, TN
Michelle, I was tentatively thinking about "The Trap" as it is big, roomy and they won't care if we are loud! Plus if it's a afternoon thing that runs over, they have live music and dancing and we might enjoy that also! I'm open to anything, we'll just have to wait and see what the gang thinks. As for me, weekends are best for me too. Carol
on 6/6/04 12:48 am - TN
That sounds great Carol! Weekends are definately better. DH and I both work 5 days a week and we have a 5 yr old going to kindergarten this school year. We're 1 1/2 hrs from Nashville so not bad. Where is the trap? I've never heard of it. But I love the live music part. And dancing, well I can fake it lol. Mel
on 6/6/04 4:46 am - Crossville, TN
You know - there's this place in Nashville that the BBW Belles go to, it has bowling, pool tables, a place to eat, TV's to watch sports or whatever, bar, tables & chairs (Not booths), and we can sit there as long as we want...... If your interested in this - I can find out the name of the place. Its always been alot of fun and there's so much to do.... Maybe we can make it a weekend thing. Go to the enterenment thing, crash at a hotel, then have breakfast together with everyone the next morning? You can get some cheap hotels in Nashville. When I planned a Mardi Gra party for the group - We stayed at a Super 8 for like $35 bucks and most of us split the costs. Just an idea, sadly I have many. *hides*
e W.
on 6/6/04 5:09 am - Birmingham, AL
Glad you thought of the seating issue, Katie--Carol, would The Trap accomodate larger people in its seating area? If so, either place sounds great! We could factor in the smokiness factor--has anyone had to quit for the surgery or have an allergy? Anything else we need to consider? Weekends are best for me, too. Just throwing out thoughts... This is exciting! Later, Erin in Antioch
on 6/6/04 7:56 am - TN
Ooooh good point, Erin. I used to smoke, quit in October of 2002. Now I cant stand the smell. Does anyone on here smoke?? Mel
Cherry C.
on 6/6/04 9:00 am - Morristown, TN
Me and DH do not smoke! Weekends are for us also. Trap and the other place both sound great! Love the idea of live music. We would be staying all night because it like 4 hour drive for us so DH said we will make a week-end of it! I love hearing all of your ideas. Can't wait until it happens! I hope I am a loser by then! You post-ops are such lucky devils!lol lol Cherry
Beckey D.
on 6/6/04 9:23 am - Sale Creek, TN
Weekends are definately best for DH and myself. Either place sounds fun. We are not smokers either. Hugs, Beckey
on 6/6/04 9:53 am - Nashville, TN
Hey There, The Trap has no booths that I can remember, it's all tables and chairs. As for the smoking issue, they do allow smoking, but the place is HUGE. It's accross the street from the Nashville Stadium and there's plenty of parking. Like I said, I don't think that the place will be an issue, it's a time and date that I'm worried about...Lemme talk to my husband, maybe we could all meet here at my house????? hugs, Me.....
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