Saturday Roll Call!

on 6/4/04 8:28 pm - Crossville, TN
Good Morning Everyone! I can't believe I'm awake at 5:30 AM - Whooa! I seem to be waking up earlier and earlier lately. I totally blame it on the extra energy! Anyways, I'm off to Chattanooga to have a mother/daughter day of shopping. (WOOHOO!!) Plus, mom promised me new shows! LOL! I'm a happy girl, seeing I'm to broke to buy my own! However, my parents are soo sweet - They bought me a new set of sheets for lossing my first 100 pounds. This whole thing of - Lossing weight, getting energy, and gifts. Is just way to cool, I can get use to this! Anyhow, I shall get going - Need to shower and look all girlie girlish!! Ya know it's funny - the more I loss weight and my energy goes up - The more I feel the need to want to look girlie girlish!! What can I say, Post-Op is AWSOME! So what ya'll doing today? or this weekend? Take care, Katie
Rita J.
on 6/4/04 10:16 pm - Bartlett, TN
Sure wish I ws doing something fun like that doay. Instead since my surgery is next week and I have to be off for a couple of weeks, I have to go to my office and get somethings done to try to get ahead of the game. Oh weel, I know it is for a good cause. Have fun, Rita
Cherry C.
on 6/4/04 10:17 pm - Morristown, TN
Hey, Katie! Here I am! I will be babysitting today. Kinda suxs compared to going shopping in Chatt. I love to go shopping there! OMG I can NOT believe 100lbs gone! Girlfriend you are a princess! That is so GREAT!!!! You are my hero Katie! Oh, yeah I want your pass word so I can look at your pictures. You rock! The ENERGY is what I am looking for! You are doing soo great! I feel like I need to rub you on the head for good luck!! Send some good karma my way PLEASE! Have fun and think about me today while you are having so much fun! By the way good morning and hello to all you Tennessee guys and gals! Cherry Cody
on 6/6/04 4:30 am - Crossville, TN
Sheesh! You totally made me blush, when I read this! Thanks so much Cherry. I'll get that password to you soon! I have a ton of e-mail to catch up on from the other day.
on 6/4/04 11:39 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Yawn!! Yawn!! I just got home from work. Yes, I returned to work after having 17 days off vacation. Boy were we busy....lots of knife stab wounds, gun shot wounds and car accidents....sick sick people. Had two with PA lines tonight. I told our Resident that he shouldn't make fat old women like me work so hard after being on vacation and know what he said to are going to be a foxy old lady soon....LOL....he's so sweet...Well I'm saying good night right now. I'll be up around 4:30pm and I'll see if I can muster up a comment or two. You guys have a great day...two more 12 hour shift and then a day off....woooohoooo can't wait.
e W.
on 6/5/04 1:04 am - Birmingham, AL
Mornin' all! Not much going on this weekend for me either--this is the first time I've felt like that's going to be BORING. My energy level is going up, too, and I want to be up and out! I got all set up at MegaTan (that's sure not how I remember it--it's quite pricey these days!), so I'll do that tomorrow, but today I guess I'll clean my car, take a walk, eat and drink ALL that I'm supposed to, and try to avoid going shopping. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Erin in Antioch
on 6/5/04 5:21 am - TN
Sounds great, Katie. I envy you lol. My uncle, who will be 50 in September, is getting married this evening and we're going to the wedding. Never mind that hes marrying a girl only 2 years older than myself. I had a burst of energy this morning so I tore through Savanna's room like a whirlwind and got her stuff cleaned up and packed away. We're moving in 3 wks. Praise Jesus! That'll finish this day off. Tomorrow, i'm doing NADA. I gotta go back to work Monday so i'm going to be a total lazy butt tomorrow. Everyone enjoy! Melanie
on 6/6/04 4:37 am - Crossville, TN
Hehe Mellie - I had a great time yesterday. I think its the first time in a LONG time we were on the road by 7 am. Whoo! Did I surprise my mom! LOL! We shopped and walked till 5 pm and was home by 6:30 pm. It was one hell of a long walking day but fun fun fun! Good to see your getting the energy back. Don't try to do to much at once though - Take it easy! Congrats to your Uncle on his marriage! Boy, does it seem like everyone is getting married lately - everyone but me! LOL!
Beckey D.
on 6/6/04 9:17 am - Sale Creek, TN
I know how you feel about being girlie-girli****oo have been buying cuter clothes and shoes the past few months and I've not lost near what you have. I have gone from one pair of shoes to about 15 just since Feb. Gotta have lots of cute sandals. I'm also into the feminine looking pants and tops. No more T-shirts for me. I save those for working out. It's soooooo exciting. I can relate on the energy too. I wake up early every morning. This weekend I went camping and 4-wheeling and climbing rocks on a bluff. OH WHATTA LIFE! Hugs, Beckey
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