Roll Call.....Good Morning

on 6/1/04 11:29 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Good Morning Everyone, I know I'm up early again this morning. I am about to get in the shower to go to my consult. I now know how you have all felt knowing this is the date that you will find out when your life changing surgery will be that will take you off the gainers bench and put you on the losers bench. I truly hope that everyone has a great day. God Bless!!! Anne
on 6/2/04 12:58 am - Crossville, TN
Ohh exciting! Good luck at your apointment! Keep us updated! However, I'm here - sorta! Having a bad week - My friend's grandma died and he's on his way home from Russia. Of course I seem to be the last person finding out information but anyway, I can write a book about this topic but probably wouldn't be a good idea! Hope everyone had a great weekend! Hugs, Katie
on 6/2/04 2:24 am - Arlington, TN
well I am here, dreading my psych consult which is scheduled for monday. But other than that I am doing well. wishing everyone a great hump day
on 6/2/04 6:37 am - TN
lol Joe that was what I dreaded most, too. It was 3 hours. Two hours to take two written tests that were in excess of 500 questions, and you had to fill in those annoying little circles in pencil. The other hour was to talk to the psychologist. I must have been boring because we only talked about 30-40 minutes lol. You'll do fine! Hang in there! God bless. Melanie
on 6/2/04 6:39 am - TN
Hiya Katie hon. How are YOU feeling? Better I hope. So sorry to hear about your friends' grandmother. Mine passed away April 13. I miss her so. God bless ya hon! Mel
on 6/2/04 7:06 am - Crossville, TN
Hey Mel! I'm alright - Just really frustrated. I'm sure I won't hear from him for days, so I'm not even sure why I'm getting upset. But whatever. Sorry to hear about your grandmother. I lost my grandfather last year on Christmas in July. I wish he was around to see me after the surgery though. Take care, Katie
on 6/2/04 6:38 am - TN
Well, better late than never right? LOL Anne I hope your appointment went wonderfully and cant wait for you to get back and let us know your rebirthdate. You're so close, can you smell it? LOL God bless hon! Melanie
on 6/2/04 7:48 am - HOLLY SPRINGS, MS
HI ANNE, I know you are soooooo excited.. I hope your consultant with Dr. Mcgrath went well.. I'll be so glad when I get to that point. I had my consultant with Ginger yesterday, it went well.. I have everything finished except my classes. Hopefully by the end of the week or early next week my information will be sent to the insurance company for an approval. Anne, I truly hope evething willl go well for you... Please keep me posted and in your prayers... Val
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