first consult completed

wannabe an 8.
on 5/28/04 8:58 am - knoxville, TN
Sorry it has been a while. I haven't been on much either. Monday night I started having bad stomach pains. I assumed it was my irritable bowel syndrome. Instead it was and is my gallbladder. I have been in much pain since Monday night and I have taken my pain meds every 4 hrs. I have finally gotten some rest. I haven't worked since Monday either. My mom is here from San Diego so she has been taking and picking up Madisyn from daycare and driving me to all my dr appts this week. I did make my first wls consult yesterday as planned. It was kind of anti climatic. I more or less knew the stuff he was gonna say. I do meet the requirements for the surgery. So he gave me a list of things I got to have done and I was out the door. He gave me a lot of good reading material too. I have to have a physc evaluation, a nutrition class and note of cardiac clearance. And that is pretty much it. Oh and I was gonna have to have an ultrasound of my gallbladder but since I just had one on Tuesday he will just use those results. This means I will also be having my gallbladder removed when I have this surgery. So I guess if I had to have trouble with my gallbladder I am glad it is now. Hopefully I will only have to have 1 surgery. So maybe now my insurance will cover more since it is my gallbladder too. As of right now dr says I can have the lap instead of the open surgery. I don't think my mom really realized I weigh what I do until she went with me yesterday and was beside me when the scale done 5 laps around to reach 280. Oh my gosh. I wonder what she was thinking.
Cherry C.
on 5/28/04 10:23 am - Morristown, TN
This is what your Mom thought Here is my beautiful only daughter trying to get better so she will live a long happy life and be there for the people she loves and that love her. She thought I am so proud of her for making such a big step in her life to do something GREAT for herself! I mean she knows you very well and knows you have thought about this and researched it for a while. So you go girl! love, Cherry
on 5/28/04 11:54 am - COVINGTON, TN
Michelle, All is going to be fine and you are going to do great. Your Mom was thinking, my beautiful daughter is doing what she needs to do to be healthy. My Mom passed away in 2001 and I know in my heart that right now she is up in heavens saying, "Thank God sweetie you've made the decision to be healthy!!!"
Eva O.
on 5/28/04 1:09 pm - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Michelle, i am sorry to hear you have been sick with gallbladder but i know the feeling,i had the surgery in 1995 and it was lap to and it went really great for me.After surgery i had no pain or nausca,just a little sore.i think you will do just fine. Good luck Eva
on 5/28/04 2:07 pm - Nashville, TN
Michelle, I too am on the WLS journey, and one of my biggest sorrows is that my Mom, who passed away New Years Day, will never be here to see me take the necessary steps to become healthier. She loved me unconditionally, but I know that my weight caused her concern. Your mom loves you, that's evident because she's here with you now helping you with your family. Enjoy this time with her, it's so very precious as you well know. Good luck on your trip to the loser's bench, if you make it before me, would ya save me a spot??? Carol
Beckey D.
on 5/28/04 10:27 pm - Sale Creek, TN
Michelle, I'm glad you got the first step behind you. Now keep moving forward. When all your tests and you class is over stay on Dr. Watson's office to get the paperwork in. Keep calling them and your insurance office to make sure they got the paperwork. It took Dr. Watson's office 2 months to send in my paperwork and I had all my testing and my nutrition class done before I even had my first visit. I hope all goes well for you from here on out. I know you'll do GREAT. Dr. Watson is an EXCELLANT surgeon. Hugs, Beckey
on 5/29/04 12:35 pm - unicoi, TN
hey michelle, i was wondering about your first visit.i'm sorry about your gallbladder. those attacks are killer i can remember.i hope everything moves quickly for you. take care
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