*********INFO PLEASE**********

Vida W.
on 5/27/04 11:43 am - Chattanooga, TN
If there is anyone out there who lives in TN BUT has BCBS of North Carolina please let me know how much the insurance paid on your surgery (Lap RNY). I have Blue Options (PPO) and I was quickly approved but thet are dragging their feet on paying. I really want to know so I can get an idea whether or not I can expect at least a partial refund of my up-front co-pay from Dr. Rutledge. His charge for the surgery was 6500. If they pay at least 4500 I get all of my copay back (1750). Anyone who can provide info will be greatly appreciated. Vida
Beckey D.
on 5/27/04 10:40 pm - Sale Creek, TN
Vida, I am waiting for my insurance to pay my surgeon also. I saw Dr. Rutledge for my first consultation also. I finally decided on another Dr. because Dr. Rutledge couldn't comply with a stand I take on blood transfusions, (my refusal). Anyway, I've always heard he is a good surgeon. Congrats on your successful surgery with him. I have BCBS of MI and they are dragging on paying too. Hugs, Beckey
on 5/28/04 3:18 pm - Chattanooga, TN
Sorry to be nosey but is your refusal on blood transfusions religious or concern for safety? If it is the later it is possible to bank your own blood before surgery.
Beckey D.
on 5/28/04 10:37 pm - Sale Creek, TN
Not nosey at all. It IS because of my religious beliefs that I refuse blood transfusion and blood products. I had a very successful surgery without blood. It is my understanding that is is rare that Drs. give blood during surgery. Some give it after if there is an internal bleed. Dr. Rutledge said he's only ever once given blood. I'd say that is pretty much norm. I just don't accept that and would prefer to go to a Dr. that supports me. Hugs, Beckey
on 5/29/04 1:15 am - Alabama, AL
Having worked in Emergency Medicine for many years, this is a situation we ran into at times in the Emergency Department. You can not be forced to accept blood or blood products---to force such would be for the medical staff to commit battery of a patient. However I have seen doctor's on many occasions refuse to do elective surgery because of the patient's refusal of blood and blood products. In the case of non-elective surgery if the patient refused blood or blood products, they were asked to sign a waiver releasing the hospital/surgeon from responsibility for complications/death as a result of the patient's refusal to accept the blood or blood products. Each person is entitled to their own religious beliefs and should have their beliefs respected when it comes to their own bodies/life. I will say that it has been very disheartning to me to watch people come in with chest pain, have a positive EKG indicating a heart attack in progress and those patients refuse TPA because it is a blood product. The TPA could reverse the heart attack and stop the heart damage almost immdiately, but based on religious belief, it may be refused. I personally feel that God created Man and gave him the intelligence to create life saving products and procedures and that if God had not wanted these products to be available, he would not have given Man the wisdom and knowledge to create them. I also believe that those who do not agree with the use of blood or blood products have every right to make that decision for themself. I understand that there is a deep religious basis for this opposition to the use of such products. Luckily, you were able to find a surgeon who would adhere to your wishes and you seem to have done well in the process. Congratulations for standing up for your beliefs and being successful.
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