Update on Melanie

on 5/25/04 2:19 am - COVINGTON, TN
Hey guys, I just got off the phone with Melanie's husband Robert. He said she's out of surgery and in the recovery room for about another hour. He said that the doctor said that he wished all of these procedures were as easy as hers was. She did great in surgery and hopefully will be in her own room in about another hour and a half. If you guys call Robert and get his voice mail, leave him a message and he'll call you back. Anne
on 5/25/04 2:45 am - memphis, TN
How wonderful! I was just wondering about her. I'm glad to hear that she is doing okay! If anyone speaks with her tell her we're thinking of her and happy birthday on her rebirth (as she puts it). kesha
on 5/25/04 2:50 am - Nashville, TN
THANKS for the update, and WOOOHOOO for Mellie...Carol
Cherry C.
on 5/25/04 3:06 am - Morristown, TN
I also talked to Robert and he is a real sweetie! So GLAD Melanie is doing good! Now she is a loser! Cherry Cody
on 5/25/04 4:08 am - Crossville, TN
Thanks for the update! Thats fantastic news! Mellie is now a LOSER!
on 5/25/04 6:31 am - Arlington, TN
woo hoo. now thats good news! be sure to tell her congratz from all of us!
T H.
on 5/25/04 9:16 am - NH
Great news! Glad to hear that she did so well and thank you for updating us! I was thinking about her all day and hoped she had an uneventful surgery! Thanks, Anne ...
on 5/25/04 11:59 am - Columbia, SC
YEAH!!!!!! I was thinking of her all day. Thank you for the update, Ann. Pass my good thoughts when you speak to Robert again. WTG, Melanie!! Susan{!}
on 5/25/04 1:45 pm - South Central, TN
Thanks Anne. Although I am Melanie's "official" angel, my stupid computer has been booting me out every 5 seconds & I haven't been able to get on in days. Thankfully you were able to get on & post about her. I tried calling Robert tonight & got his voicemail, but I am hoping to get to see her on Thursday. TTYS Candi
Eva O.
on 5/25/04 2:05 pm - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Anne, wow that is really great to hear about Melanie i was hoping someone would post about her soon.thanks Eva
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