24 hours to go now!

on 5/23/04 10:44 pm - TN
Hi family! Here I am, 24 hours away from my rebirth. My computer clock says exactly 7:30 right now and thats when my surgery is scheduled to begin tomorrow. I slept like a baby last night. Woke this morning with diarrhea and unbelievable nausea. Though i'd like to believe its hunger, its really nerves. I'm so anxious for this to be done and get on with the losing. No food today, only clear liquids, then nothing at all after midnight. Ive been a procrastinator. Havent packed my bag for the hospital yet. I have to be at work in an hour, which i'm dreading since they ask every single day if i'm nervous. I guess i'll get the bag together after work. We'll be heading up to Nashville tonight. I listed the hospital and my dh's cell phone # on my surgery page for anyone who wishes to check in on me. DH's name is Robert. This will likely be my last post here for a few days. Please keep me in your prayers guys. I want to give a huge THANK YOU to each and every one of you. You have been such a great source of support and without you i'd be in a padded room by now. Will, thank you for your words yesterday. I continue to recite that in my head and its helping. I have every bit of confidence in Dr. Houston. Look out world, i'm coming out!!! Love N hugs!! GOD BLESS YALL! Melanie
on 5/23/04 11:45 pm - washington, MO
Hey sweetie you brought tears to my eyes . I am so happy for you . I will keep you in my prayers tonight . You probally wont even miss eating you are so excited ,nervous . Well working may help the day go by faster .take care and have a safe trip . GOD BLESS YOU ...SHERRI
on 5/24/04 1:52 am - Chattanooga, TN
Yes the nerves can really get to you. I was a big ol emotional mess two weeks before my surgery. To make things worse my mom wasn't going to be able to take me to the hospital when I needed to be there( she was going to be there before I went in to OR though) so I had to use the ins transportation. Luckily it was a man that had taken me to previous appts and his daughter had the surgery a few yrs ago. When I got out at the hospital he came and hugged me and told me its going to be A OK and that the next time he sees me I'll just be a shadow of who I am now. I walked into the hospital with tears in my eyes and a big ol smile. It's amazing how just a little kind word even from a stranger can make things so much better. As for your bag hehe don't pack much odds are you won't even really get into it. I packed pads (of course my period had to start the morning of surgery) bath robe, house slippers, a two piece PJ, several hats (its amazing how they fix those bad hair days from no shampooing), toothbrush (would you believe I forgot the toothpaste though) hehe luckily the hospital had some, they also had a rather good chapstick that I could have. I went home in the same clothes that I wore to the hospital. As for the PJ's I was able to put them on after the cath came out. Luckily the neckline on it was loose enough not to mess with my central line and they just pinned my drain to the bottoms of it. Oh yeah and don't forget the camera and journal. Gotta have those before pics and the wonderful glamour after shots Can't wait to see your post when you get home after surgery. *huggles*
T H.
on 5/24/04 3:22 am - NH
Hang in there Mel, it's all gonna be good. It's totally natural to be nervous but that tension probably stems from the unknown or it did for me. You've heard everyone describe it all and read your book and all but the not knowing usually gets us going. I think that the attitude you have of faith in your surgeon that all will be well is the proper attitude. We all were scared to some degree so you're only going through what everyone does. I know how annoying it can be for people to ask the "are you nervous" question. I started responding "no" and that usually quiet that down after a while. I am soooooooo very excited for you and I look forward to your return to your OH family. Take care and we'll speak to you soon!
on 5/24/04 5:13 am - Columbia, SC
I am sooo excited for you, Melanie! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan {!}
on 5/24/04 6:27 am - Arlington, TN
Just hang tight kid, everything will be alright and after tomorrow all that worry will be gone.
Victoria B.
on 5/24/04 10:32 am - Germantown, TN
Hi, Melanie, I am new to the boards. My surgery is in two weeks - June 8th. I am definitely getting nervous. I tell people that yes, I am scared to have this done, but I am more scared of my future health not to have it done. Take care and hugs to you!! Can't wait to hear how it went. Victoria in Memphis
Laura H.
on 5/24/04 3:50 pm - Memphis, TN
I'll be sure to say a prayer for you tonight before I go to bed. I hope you get some rest tonight!! Laura
Eva O.
on 5/25/04 1:48 am - Thompson Station, TN
hi gf, I know you will be just find,you will be on the losing side when you get home.Let us all know now as soon as you can about everything ok.I think i have finally found a DR. Boyce in Knoxville that will do the lap band for me,i am really excited about this.I called his office and they are suppose to call me with a time to go for the seminar OH i just can't wait to join all you on the losing side. God bless for now Eva
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