feeling frustrated!

on 5/23/04 3:11 pm - griffin, ga
I am feeling so frustrated right now... I have done nothing but concentrate on getting everything done ordered in my first consult. Now I have everything done I am sitting here waiting everyday for a phone call from my PCP's nurse for a referral to see my surgeon to schedule my surgey. It has been 6 days and I call them daily to hear they are working on it. My PCP has been supportive but her nurse has made serveral rude comments about WLS. Ofcourse this coming from a woman who weighs around 100 pounds soaking wet. I wish others could understand what having WLS means to us and how much it will help us obtain a better quaility of life I know it will to me. Thanks for all you sharing on here.... you are all beautiful people!
T H.
on 5/23/04 9:47 pm - NH
Susann, I can understand your frustration. That situation would frustrate me as well. If the nurse continues to make comments that you do not appreciate, speak to someone (a supervisor, your doctor) as no one should be subjected to negative comments for wanting to do something to improve their health. Also, I would suggest that you ask them when the referral will be completed and hold them to the date. A medical professional making poor comments makes me as mad as those people who use the phrase "easy way out" in reference to WLS. Not sure where that fallacy came from. I can tell you that there is nothing about surgery neither physically or emotionally that is easy and a radical adjustment of a person's life in terms of food and how they relate to it as well as the immediate removal of a coping mechanism for others is not easy. This type of attitude just infuriates me. I would hope that a medical professional would be more objective in terms of the overall health of the patient than this lady seems to be ... Sorry for the rant but hang in there and don't let them keep you from moving forward ...
on 5/23/04 11:39 pm - Arlington, TN
Hey William how bout updating your journal so we know how your doing!
T H.
on 5/24/04 3:36 am - NH
Sorry, I'll do that this evening! Been trying to make the transition back to work and guess I have been simgle focused ... Thanks for reminding me Joe!
on 5/24/04 2:53 am - Crossville, TN
William - Well said darlin! Susann - If this keeps up with the nurse, I'd make an appointment to see your doctor personally and then let him know what's going on. I bet after your talk with him, he'll have it finished before you leave the office. Good luck! -Katie
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