first appt.

Eva O.
on 5/15/04 10:52 am - Thompson Station, TN
hello friends,well i went to my first seminar today,at williamson medical and now i am more sure that i will go with the lap band if insurance allows it (approves) I guess i am not in the best of moods today. i found out last week that i am diabetic, and all the more reason to have this surgery,right------ right.But they did say that having the lap band would not cure this problem and i do love my sweets.Oh i hate this,just can't make up my mind. Need more advice please help? ttyl Eva
on 5/15/04 9:57 pm - Nashville, TN
Eva, MY opinion, and MY opinion only.....I didn't want a solution that was considered temporary. I haven't been able to get a "hold" on my weight for the last 47 years, so I wanted a permanent solution that would more or less force me to get to a place that would ensure my health. I love sweets also, but I know that they are a thing of the past once I have the RNY done. Keep researching, and asking questions, the answer will come when you least expect it. GOOD LUCK hon, we are here for you. Carol
on 5/16/04 12:52 am - COVINGTON, TN
Eva, Just an FYI, 90% of all type2 adult onset diabetics are cured with the bypass. You won't be able to eat the sweets with the bypass unless you want diarrhea and dumping syndrome. It's a great deterrent for the eating sweets. I'm with Carol, I have been overweight since I was 16. I tried everything and to no avail. If you are looking for a permanent fix.....research it some more. No matter what you decide, we are hear for you. Depending on your insurance, it will tell you whether you can get the band or not. Call them now.....get that detail out of the way before you get all ready to be approved and they say, "oh, we don't cover the band." Good luck to you dear. Anne
Eva O.
on 5/16/04 6:13 am - Thompson Station, TN
Hi, Carol and Anne, thank you both so much for the advice,and you are right i do need to research more and i know the rny surgery would be better for me probably,i just have to get pass the fear of this surgery. Well not so much the fear of it,i guess it is just not knowing if i can handle that first week after it,but i will.The lady at the seminar Sat. said that was really hard that first week.Carol it was in Franklin,Tenn.they are just starting up the first surgerys thier,we will be thier (ginneypigs)first ones to have surgery thier.The Dr. is David Oxley any one know of him. He was at Murrey county in Columbia.Well enough about me for to yall soon. Eva
on 5/16/04 12:48 pm - TN
Hiya Eva. I'll never tell you which surgery is right for you because only you can decide that. I know for me, the thought of it taking two years to lose the 110 lbs was too much for me to entertain. If i'm going to go to the extreme of having surgery, I want it all and I want it yesterday. The lap band was appealing to me until i'd read how long the weight loss takes. With the confidence my surgeon has in my ability to lose 100% of my excess weight with the RNY and all, i'm all for it. Just ask yourself what you want out of this and whats the best way to get it. Pray about it. The good Lord will give you the right direction. God bless hon! Melanie
on 5/16/04 11:03 pm - South Central, TN
That is absolutely NOT true. As with the RNY, w/the lapband, once you lose the weight it will cure your diabetes. You and I are very similar, I too have recently been diagnosed w/diabetes. With the band you will be able to eat normal foods, there is no denying that, but not all people who have the RNY have dumping syndrome either & they're able to eat sweets just as well. I agree w/the other posts, I think you definately need to do some more research, I researched ALL my options to DEATH before deciding on the lapband & for reasons all my own. I am not afraid of losing the weight a little slower, I am hoping this will help w/the saggy skin problem, as I am afraid of plastic surgery & also I have 2 small children & at this point in time I am not willing to chance the risks from the RNY, no matter how remote they may be. To me the band was the best choice b/c I will always have it, it will always be there to help me NOT to overeat & it is NOT temporary solution as someone who's obviously never researched it mentioned earlier. I am thrilled that there is a surgery out there that is considered minor compared to the others but with similar results. You can lose all of your weight with the band & unlike some of the other surgeries w/the band it is with you for life or the life of the band (which is about 20 years) and you don't have a "window" of opportunity to lose the weight, you don't have to worry about regain b/c with the band, once that scale starts to creep up if getting back on a good eating regime doesn't work all you have to do is get a fill & you are back on track. I agree w/all the others research is the key to making whatever decision you make feel right for you. Good luck!! Candi
Eva O.
on 5/17/04 12:08 am - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Melanie,and Candi thank you so much Mel for the kind words and support they really help me feel better about all this and i will be thinking of you this week praying that everything goes smoothly and quickly.You are on your way to being a loser and so quickly too,it is just great. Candi,i think you email was truely the most supporting one that i received as far as the lap band surgery.This is the one for me.I am calling my insurance case manager this morning, to find out if the lap band will be covered.Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as i will both of you.God bless and may you go with Gods speed. ttys Eva
on 5/17/04 7:27 am - TN
Congratulations on making your choise Eva. And thank you so much for your kind words. I greatly appreciate your prayers. They are always needed. I'll certainly return them 10 fold for you. Please keep me posted on your progress as you proceed in your journey. God bless you sweetie! Melanie
on 5/17/04 12:53 pm - South Central, TN
Well don't keep me in suspense girl! Let me know ASAP if it's covered or not. How much weight do you have to lose? Candi
Eva O.
on 5/18/04 7:12 am - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Candi, well i did call and they said yes that it is covered,but i am not sure that she understood which one i was referring to (lap band) so i guess i will wait and see.I have about 110 lbs i would like to lose i weight 265,so i am ready to be a loser. Eva
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