on 5/14/04 9:58 pm - Nashville, TN
Mornin!!! It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!!! Aren't we the most AWESOME bunch of losers there ever was??? Hope "ya'll" have a wonderful weekend!!! William, keep on keepin on,,,Susan, we are here for ya hon, Mel, it won't be long now, Hugs to everyone!!! Carol
T H.
on 5/14/04 10:20 pm - NH
Yawn ... I'm here. Just got finished with my medication crushing ritual and am about to settle in for the first protein shake of the day. Hope you ave a great morning too, Carol ... Thanks for the morning hugs!
on 5/14/04 11:33 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Hi Carol, I'm up early this morning to shampoo the carpets and scrub the house til it shines. My daughter is graduating a week from this coming Tuesday and I'm having company from the whole East Coast it seems.....gotta make it clean. My ex is even coming to TN from NY....ugh!!!!! Unfortunately he's bringing the wife and kiddy. Ex-In-Laws also....can you say a bad week after the 23rd??? I can..... Have a great day and a great week...I'll try to check in. Anne
on 5/14/04 11:43 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Carol, By the way I work nights so I'm on here more in the wee hours of the am than during the day. This just happens to be my weekend off. Anne
Cherry C.
on 5/15/04 12:46 am - Morristown, TN
Good Morning to all! Thought it was going to rain but..... sun is shining! Everyone have a great week-end!! Cherry
on 5/15/04 1:43 am - TN
Hiya Carol babe! I know its not long for me, but it still seems like a mini eternity. We're trying to buy a new house now too so thats helping to keep my mind off the surgery. I cant even walk past the computer without coming here and reading the boards. I appreciate so much all everyone has done for me, and i'm still preop. You guys are wonderful! Please pray that this house thing turns out for us. We got a couple to rent our house last night so thats a major hurdle cleared. We're waiting on the owners to accept our offer. They went out of town for the weekend but their realtor is in contact with them. We're supposed to hear today. All this waiting.... lol man patience really is a virtue! I hope you all enjoy your weekend. We're burried in clouds today. God bless you all! Love n hugs! Mel
on 5/15/04 2:16 am - Nashville, TN
Anne, just hang on, we will all be over to help you clean, just let us finish up what we're doin LOL,,,, I'm getting ready to paint a den, waiting for hubby to get back from the store with the paint. William, you're gonna have to share your shake reciepes with us so we'll be ready after we have our surgerys. Mel, you're gonna GET THAT HOUSE GIRL! I feeeeel it in my bones....Whats everyone else up to this weekend??? Carol
Eva O.
on 5/15/04 10:19 am - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Carol, it is not the am now it is more like evening about 7:pm but hello to you and everyone,nothing much going on here but the rain!!!!!!!!!!!! all day.i did go to my first seminar this morning trying to find out more about this wls and is my begining towards a new life and i am ready as for the weekend looks pretty wet to me. ttys Eva
on 5/15/04 9:52 pm - Nashville, TN
Eva, So what did you think of the seminar? If you don't mind my asking, where was it? Did they answer all your questions??? If not, you can probably find whatever answer you're looking for on this OH web site! This site is the greatest. Good luck to ya hon, and keep us posted, we are all here for ya! Hugs, Carol
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