Stephanie H.
on 5/12/04 12:47 pm - Jellico, TN
I'm looking for a doctor that takes php/tenncare. I'm trying toget started in the process to get approved for a bypass. Does anyone know if you have to pay anything upfront with tenncare or not? Thanks for any help.
on 5/12/04 1:13 pm - Columbia, SC
I would like any information on this as I am in the process of applying for Tenncare. thanks, Susan {!}
Eva O.
on 5/12/04 1:30 pm - Thompson Station, TN
Hi Stephanie, i am on tenncare select of tenn. and i am going to Dr.in Franklin Tenn. and the hospital thier do take it.I don't know how far you are from Franklin but that may help.And thier is a DR.Spaw in Nashville that takes it also, i am going to both seminars the one in Franklin is May 15 9:00am and in Nashville 8-10 am june 22. I hope this helps you. Eva I have not been told that i have to pay anything out of pocket
Cherry C.
on 5/12/04 2:08 pm - Morristown, TN
Somebody very wise on this board told me to call my Tn Care which is Tn Care Select and ask for a case manager. I did that and now I am just going threw the steps like everyone else. Ask you PCP or your Tn. Care provider. Also on this board on the Tn. page their is a link to insurance go there and look for your insurance. Hope this helps! Cherry
Julie G.
on 5/12/04 11:36 pm - Lebanon, TN
Hi. I have TennCare Select. Dr. Hruska in Clarksville takes this insurance and you don't have to pay her anything unless you have a co-pay. I hope everything works out for you. Julie 460 lbs Surgeon Consult set for August 3rd
on 5/13/04 12:53 am - Crossville, TN
Good Morning Stephanie, I have TennCare Select and I personally didn't have to pay anything upfront or any sort of co-pays. However, that all depends on the person - If you don't normally ever pay co-pays when you go to the doctors then you won't have anything to worry about. As far as doctors go - I had Dr. Lindy Hruska. She's a fantastic doctor, in my opinion. If you call her office, they'll get you started in the right direction but when you call ask for Leigh Ann. If there not making appointments yet for new patients, Ask if Dr. Steely is taking TennCare/Appointments for new patients. There is a doctor in Swee****er that I know is taking TennCare, I know they call him Dr. Ray (Saw that in another post) But for the life of me I can't remember his long last name. I do suggest if your not happy with these doctors - You can do a search on this site looking for doctors in Tennessee, you can just simply call them an ask if they accept your insurance. I've made that list far to many times during my research, the office ladies are quite nice when it comes to helping you. Good luck on your journy, if you have any more questions feel free to post or can e-mail me if you'd like. -Katie
Stephanie H.
on 5/13/04 1:18 pm - Jellico, TN
Thanks for all the info. Can you give me Dr. Hruska's number or office name? I have an appointment next week with my PCP to discuss the process. Did everyone have to have the year of medically supervised diets? What exactly does that cover and how? I appreciate everyone's help.
Rachel M.
on 5/13/04 5:53 am - Nashville, TN
I had Dr Hruska also, paid in full 100% by tenncare. My PCP told me theres a gastric bypass surgeon in Murfreesboro who is about to start taking tenncare patients. I dont know who it is tho.
Gina H.
on 5/15/04 5:06 am - Shamokin, PA
I would just like to add my 2 cents to this topic...Please select a Dr/Surgeon based on experience with your choice of WLS...there are ones who take TC but who have not been doing WLS long and who not only charge a "fee" but are currently being sued for malpractice for botching a ladys WLS ( Dr. Colquitt in Maryville. ) Then there are ones, like the fantastic Drs and staff at Cumberland Center for Obesity Surgery in Nashville ( where I had my WLS done on 2/18/04, paid for by PHP/Tenncare ) They do not charge any other fees, have the best and I do mean BEST care you can get and lots of experience. I know how it feels to be in the insurance mess of getting approval and I could have gotten approval to have the RNY done by Dr Colquitt but THANK GOD I didn't!!! I see that alot of new WLS Drs are popping up now that Tenncare has made it easier to get approval for WLS so please be careful in who you select. Best wishes to all!!! Gina Haley DS 2/18/04 sw-370/cw-300/gw-175 - 70lbs in 12 weeks!
on 5/15/04 1:01 pm - Knoxville, TN
I have PHP Tenncare and am having my surgery on Tuesday with Dr. Boyce in Knoxville. Not too far from Jellico, so you might want to look into him. He's a WONDERFUL surgeon and I have 110% faith in him.
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