So, did ya miss me?!?
I actually made it to my dad's computer to type a "howdy" to everyone and thank you for your support during my pre and post surgery.
Breathing was a real issue for me during the process (I'll relay me experience when I can stand to sit longer) and forced me into the ICU for a night after surgery.
Everyday gets a little better and I return for my week Dr. Dyer visit Thursday so I'll relay the results of that.
Take care and I miss everyone, I'll be back as regularly as I can ...
Awwwww *BIG HUGS*
I'm so glad to hear your home and doing well!!
Thanks for getting online and letting us know, this is such awsome news! Before you know it, you'll be up and about like usual - well actually alot better then before surgery.
You'll love it! I'm so proud of you!
Talk to you soon!
P.S. Did you take those before pictures? I hope you did! It'll be important in about a month when you start seeing the difference!
Willllllllll!!!! Welcome home pal! I'm sooooooo sorry I didnt make it up to Nashville to see you before you left. We finally got up there Sunday but you were gone! Congratulations ya big loser!!! I'm so jealous! Glad to hear you're getting better daily. Just take it easy and keep on keepin on! God bless ya hon!!
I know this is probably stupid & I know we've never met, but I felt such relief seeing your name on this board again! I am so glad that you are back & up to typing, LOL. I'm sorry to hear you had a little trouble, but in the end I pray it will all have been worth it. Update as soon as you can, welcome "home".
Nope, not stupid at all. I greatly appreciate the comment!
Today was a better today and I went to the doctor for my one week checkup and am 35 lbs less of the man I was.
I am going to try and begin getting on the board more regularly (at least each morning sometime) and "adding my two cents" here and there.
I miss you all and thank you for all of your kind words, encourgament and positivity. You are quite a wonderful woman.
Take Care!