Unfortunate situations

on 5/10/04 7:51 am - COVINGTON, TN
I made a post on here the other day about my psych evaluation. Just a general note about what happened during my visit. Since that time there has a been a member on this site that has felt it necessary to bash me at every turn. I just want it known, that everyone on this site has their own story. It is not fair, needed or expected that ANYONE on this site should pass judgement on someone else's journey. No two journey's are going to be exactly the same. The people on this site come from all sorts of different lifestyles, ethnic groups, religions. education levels and social status's. Not one person on this site is better than anyone else. I don't care if you have a job that pays you triple figures or if you work at McDonald's, or even if you don't work at at all. There is a reason for everything that happens in someone's life. Sometimes our lives take a track that we never expect and GOD puts us through trials and tribulations that he feels we can get through. In my heart I feel that he never deals out more than he feels we can handle. We are all here because we are overweight. One person that is overweight telling another that they aren't so intelligent by being overweight is really telling everyone on this site that their intelligence is lacking. I really know quite a few very intelligent people that are overweight. I would NEVER tell anyone or insinuate to anyone that they are lacking in intelligence if they are overweight. I don't care if they have a doctorate degree or don't have even a high school diploma. We all come to this site to encourage and support each other. We don't come here and post something and then get blasted at every turn. This is a sad sad situation. I'm sure that I will get plenty of nasty comments with this post, but I'm willing to take that chance. I have truly tried not to make comments to hurt anyone's feelings. I pride myself on my ability to act like an adult on this site. When I read the new post on my original post I was very angry and really wanted to say things to hurt, but I knew that I would not only be hurting the person who bashed me, but I would be hurting innocent people on this site that are not here to bash but here to give and receive support. I hope that everyone on here is successful and I hope and pray that everyone here has a good outcome with their surgery. I would appreciate it Ms. Marsh if in the future that you would refrain from replying to my posts. I will not bother you and as an adult I would appreciate it if you would kindly take in consideration my wishes. Thanks again Anne
on 5/10/04 11:40 am - TN
Hi Anne. I'm glad to see you're still hanging in there with the OH family. You are right, we're all here because we're heavy. Plain and simple truth there. And i'm very sorry that you've had an unfortunate turn of posts so to speak. Please know that while we all share different beliefs and feelings, we are all after the same goal. We are here to support you in your decisions. I personally wish you the best of luck in your journey and pray our gracious Lord will be with you each and every step of the way! God bless! Melanie
on 5/10/04 11:53 am - COVINGTON, TN
Melanie, Thank you so much for your support. I just felt that I needed to get all of that off my chest and just let it go. My prayers are with you for your surgery this month and I know that you will be very successful in your journey. Anne
wannabe an 8.
on 5/10/04 12:39 pm - knoxville, TN
Anne I am sorry that you had to go through that. I am glad to see that you are remaining here with us. I feela s if i could use all of the support ftom people on here. I dont come here to be bashed or put down either. I too thought this place was a place of friendship and support. I hope everythig goes well. Michelle
on 5/10/04 12:49 pm - Crossville, TN
This will be my LAST reply towards any of your posts but when I commented on your other post the first time - It was out of concern that the doctor didn't do the test fully because I was told many times that the test was important especially for such a MAJOR surgery. It's not only important to you but to the insurance companies and your doctor. Yes, you may think the test is silly and a waste of time but at the end it does mean something -- I've actually seen people get denied because of they failed the test. I only bashed you back because if you go read your 2nd post towards mine - It wasn't so nice. So if you feel the need to di**** out to me, I'm not gonna sit back and let you make me feel like crap because I was commenting on your post, showing concern. I'm sorry if that sounds selfish but your post was rude especially the part that pretty much says "I'm a nurse and that it sadness me that a non-professional would give a professional advice" - that wasn't the correct wording but damn close to it. I'm finished now - Everyone will think what they want, no matter what either of us says. Good Luck with your surgery!
on 5/10/04 10:56 pm - COVINGTON, TN
No need. I said I let it go and I have.
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