Bad Day
Hello Everyone,
I'm having a tough day today. Actually, it's been more like a tough week.
I haven't had surgery yet. My consult is not until August 3rd. I'm starting to get really down on it being so far away. It seems like I'll never get to see the surgeon.
My eating has been terrible. Literally. I've gained more weight. So now I'm at 460. Life and things in general have also had me depressed. So I've eaten to comfort myself. Then I beat myself up over it.
Today I got a letter from the disability people. I've been waiting since last year to even hear from them. They turned me down....again. I'm nearly in tears because I can't work and they don't seem to care. So instead of crying I ate and ate and ate.
I've got so many problems wrong with me. I don't even know where to start. I have depression, post-traumatic-stress-disorder, panic attacks, degenerative disk disease, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and a few other things. Not to mention the obesity.
I'm really hating myself right now.
Julie, I really know how you feel! I don't want to get in your business but..... you need a lawyer. My friend is going threw the same thing and she got a lawyer no money up front. They get paid when you get paid! Any lawyer worth salt will NOT take the case unless they think they can win. Just my op. Quit beating yourself up because you are trying to get help! Please let me know how it goes. E-mail me anytime we have alot in common. HUGS!! Cherry [email protected]
(((((JULIE))))) I'm so sorry to hear you're having a down moment. I've got a couple of shoulders too, and they're quite padded for extra comfort lol. I know its tough but keep your chin up!! Hand those troubles over to the Lord and he will see you through. I can guarantee it. I'll keep you in my prayers sweetie, for your mental and physical health and well being. God bless you, dear!
Julie, I dont understand why some get approved and others who so clearly need it do not. My dad has been denied 3 times, and his lawyer is trying so hard...He needs it too, he is fighting prostate cancer and is so sick. PTSD is very serious medical condition, Did Social Security arrange for an independant psych eval and physical? The first time I applied I did not have those 2 things and was denied. I felt awful - discouraged, worthless, depressed- and did not appeal. But then a couple of years later, armed with ALL my medical records (also did not have that the 1st time) and those independant evals, I was approved after a very long long process. What I learned from that was persisitance pays off so never give up, always appeal, and to make sure to have ALL the medical records and ER trips. AND to get evaluated. Best of luck to you, stay positive. I know it is hard to do, but we're here for you
Hey Julie,
I so know how you feel about it seeming so far away. I started this whole process months ago & am just now going to my final seminar on Tuesday. I was so psyched at first & LIVED on this site, but as the months have dragged on I stopped coming so obsessively & just realized today that this site is such good support. Coming here & reading all the posts from the post-ops & the pre-ops it makes me realize that one day soon I will be posting all my happy thoughts & victories & so will you! We WILL get there. Until then we can live vicariously through the others on this board. I am so sorry about your disability, hopefully your attorney can help you w/that one, it is so hard to get them to approve it, they make you jump through so many hoops, but just keep trying & try to stay positive. I know what you mean about stress eating, I am right here w/ya. It sucks b/c when I first started coming here & reading all these posts I was so pumped & I was even eating right & thinking of exercising, but as time has draaaaaaaaaaaged on I've gone back to my old "bad" eating habits. But we need to stay positive & remember that one day soon we WILL be on the losing side w/all the other happy positive people & we will be one too. I hope you feel better soon & don't beat yourself up over your eating, we ALL do it, otherwise we wouldn't be on this board & considering surgery! Give yourself a hug & here's one from me
I am so sorry you are having a bad time. I cant stand waiting either. I am about 2 weeks from my first consult and i hate waiting.
I hope things get a little easier for you. I have done the smae thing i have been eating everything in sight.
I know how you feel really i do..
I am here if you need a shoulder