Psych Eval
When I had my psych eval, the testing itself was on a computer and that was the long part. It was self-timed so I think it took me an hour??- But when I talk to the Doc right after, he was like, "ok, yes youre depressed which is to be expected. Thanks heres your letter and have a good day"..Maybe 5 minutes max. I know all docs are different, so maybe your Doc is unique, although I never heard of anyone NOT taking that 500+ question test. If you do get denied, it may be they need that test result for more info. I thik thats what us postops are telling you, it is always better to have maybe a little more paperwork than not enough, since thats what will cause a fast denial...But good luck to you, think positive and happy happy thoughts!
Thanks for the information. I'll call the office and see if the test is needed. I can do that. I just knew that he asked me everything from birth to the present about myself and about my feelings. I guess I"m boring because it didn't take long. I will check into the testing. I have BC/BS of TN.....and I believe he said that both my surgeon and the insurance company didn't require anything more. He did say that they provide for aftercare counselling though. Anyone else have BC/BS of TN insurance? I don't see how 500+ questions prepare you for surgery. In my opinion, a good frame of mind prior to surgery is what you need to start off with. One thing I will say is that at the first sign of depression my butt will be at the counselling center. I'm actually a fat/ happy person, which may be hard to believe.
Hi Anne,
those questions are dumb too! I was shaking my head in disbelief at some of the yes/no things they asked. Aftercare counseling is included? Awesome! Maybe you have one of those Docs who understand their patients and really know and listen to them, so he feels he has plenty of info without the test, since he IS an expert..Im trying to remember the actual name of it, i think it is the MMPI???...For my experience, I had a Psych Dr who I never met or who knew me, or wanted to read my records, charts and just went by the test. He didnt include the actual test with his report, just said I was a good candidate...Having a doctor who listens is great!! Sounds like you are doing all youre supposed to.You are So right about the good frame of mind, and I will be praying for a speedy approval process for ya!
Thanks for the support. I guess yesterday I was just floored and it seemed like I was being told that because I didn't take some stupid test that probably wouldn't mean a hill of beans about my mental well-being prior to the surgery, I wasn't going to have a good outcome. It upset me to think that people believe that a standardized test, not an individualized test was going to make or break my ability to handle the after-life of the surgery. In my opinion, that's bogus. But on the other hand if some people want to believe that the only way to succeed mentally after sugery is to sit and take a 500+ question standardized psychiatric test , then I say go for it!!! Whatever works for them. I wouldn't put them down for it if it's the way they felt.
I don't think a particular mental evaluation would make or break anyone's ability to cope with life after surgery. Everyone is different and
as a result will have different experieces. In my research of WLS,
I have found that some surgeons do not require any psychiatric
evaluation as a standard and only do so when they feel it would
be of benefit to the process.
More important than a psychiatric/mental evaluation, I would think
taking time to research thoroughly the surgery and it effects would
be of the greatest benefit to all. I have heard many people say
that they told the psych evaluators what they thought they WANTED
to hear...not what they really thought. If people are not honest in
their answers to the test, it is invalid anyway.
Futhermore, these evaluators do not have a crystal ball to look into
your future and see how you will respond. They can only give their
opinion and you know the old addage about opinions.....
They are like A** Holes, everyone has one. There is nothing to guarantee tha a particular one will be correct in their predictions.
I am not going to take a side as to whether or not a psychological test is necessary to get an idea of someone's ability to cope after major surgery. I am attending graduate school to become a school pychologist and have been trained on these tests. As I have said on previous posts on the main message board, a psychologist does not take only the results of these tests to make a decision/hypothesis pertaining to an individual's state of mind. And although some of the questions appear to be stupid (heck I even thought they were when I was getting trained and had to take the tests) they do have a purpose.
I hope this does not sound too *****y. I just had to give my two cents worth.
Susan {!}
It's original post was just to say that I was surprised and somewhat pleased that I didn't have to take the test. I have never taken one so I can't personally say how stupid or non-stupid the questions are......frankly I have no idea. I think all of this got way off track. You would know way more than I would the benefits of taking a test of this nature and to be brutally honest I don't think anyone would make people trying to go through this surgery do ANYTHING that they felt was unneccesary. My original post was supposed to be a "WOW" not what I expected post......but as you see it turned out much different than I had originally planned.
I know Im jumping on this bandwagon a little late, but hey what's new??
The "shrink" I saw had already determined that he was going to give me clearance for surgery way before I ever took any sort of testing. In his words the testing he was giving me was just basic "IQ" testing. To see if I had the mentality to make such a life altering decision. However I feel that he could have made such a decision without the testing. Especially since in our initial conversation he mentioned about how intellectual I am. To me the testing was rather cool I mean I got to arrange red and white blocks into patterns and define words that Id probably heard once and all sorts of things. To me it was just more informational than really pertaining to my surgery. Each surgeon has what they want from the psych. some want the full battery of testing and some just want an initial evaluation either way I wish you well Anne.
Thanks Augusta,
I appreciate the support. When I went to the dietician the other day she said that they had everything that they needed. I asked about the test and she said that neither BC/BS or the surgeon "require" the test. All that they require is the evaluation. So it should be ok. I'm waiting on approval right now so only time will tell if I will really have to go back and take the test or not.