down in the dumps

on 5/6/04 9:15 am - Columbia, SC
Hey all! I'm feeling a little down in the dumps with the whole process. Applying for TennCare sucks. I have to wait 2 weeks to get my medical records to send in to them. Then it might take forever for me to get approved. Thanks everyone for the information on a previous post I had about TennCare. All of your answers were appreciated. Found out, though, that it is not Tenncare Select, but Tenncare Standard that I would be getting. Not sure if they would cover WLS. I just want to get the ball rolling on this. I spoke with my mom about WLS today while we ere out at Ryan's and she wouldn't give me her opinion on it one or the other. My brother had it done about two years ago and she was skeptical of it then and I was wondering if she still was. So, as it is, I do not know if she thinks I am being ureasonable with pursuing this journey or if she is putting her beliefs to the side and support me in my decision. School is also bringing me down. I had to resign from my internship due to not being happy there and I have yet to find a replacement site for next semester to fini**** out. I was hoping to have the WLS in time to be recovered by the next school year, but that looks as if it will be wishful thinking. Everyone says it will all work out, but I am having a hard time seeing how all the pieces will fall together. Thank you for letting me vent. Susan {!}
on 5/6/04 10:29 am - Nashville, TN
Susan, Why is it when we are waiting for medical records, it takes forever, but, when we are in the waiting mode for lets say, like, ummmmm a root canal, the time just flippin zips by??? Like weekends, how come Saturday and Sunday have less hours in them than lets say, Monday or Tuesday??? LOL, hang in there girl. I'm thinking about you and wishing you happiness. Hugs, Carol
Debbie D.
on 5/6/04 11:13 am - Cookeville, TN
don't let it get you too down their . It'll come, keep your eye on the goal. What helps me is getting busy like calling everyone pertaining to WLS to see if everything is going right
on 5/6/04 10:55 pm - COVINGTON, TN
Susan, All will fall in place when it's meant to be. That's a hard thing to swallow, but it will happen. If your Mom isn't going to be supportive find someone else close to you to talk about things with, I learned that the hard way. My husband's remark was, "why don't I just lock the fridge and save everyone some time." He doesn't understand that there are more factors that cause obesity other than just eating. Thyroid problems that are continuing to be abnormal even though you go up and up on medication are one. Diabtes and many other problems cause obesity. This surgery is the answer because of the blockage of absorption that happens with the surgery. That's why it works. Not just cutting down the intake. Please pick someone who will be supportive to you because it's a big downer to find out that the one person you thought you could count on, really isn't the supportive one. Before you know it your Tencare will come through and you will be on the losing side. Just keep your chin up and find your support before you start getting the ball rolling. Anne
on 5/6/04 11:30 pm - TN
Hiya Susan sweetie! I'm so sorry you're feeling down. I promise to keep you in my prayers. That ALWAYS helps. Trust in Jesus and things will always work for the best. As for your mother, I know how important it is to seek and obtain the acceptance of certain people. I said in the beginning all I wanted was the approval of my dh, mother and sister. Truth be told, though, it wouldnt have mattered to me if they didnt approve. I have to do whats best for ME, not them. Though I love those people more than myself, its time to put myself on the front burner. Keep yourself in the forefront of your mind. This is all about you babe!! God bless hon! Melanie
on 5/7/04 8:35 am - Columbia, SC
Thank you all for your help on this. I have been trying to put myself first since around March, but I feel guilty and selfish when I do. I am the type of person that gets satisfaction from helping others and really have a hard time asking for the help. Susan {!}
Julie G.
on 5/7/04 1:52 pm - Lebanon, TN
Susan, I really hope everything goes well for you. Try to think positive. I think your mom will probably support you. I'm sure she is just really worried about you possibly having this serious surgery. Hang in there. I'm here for you if you need to talk. Julie {{{HUGS}}}
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