OH Regional Support Group Meeting

on 5/4/04 7:06 am - Nashville, TN
Hi Everyone! If you are interested in attending the Obesity Help Regional Support Group Meeting that is to be held in Knoxville, here is the web address to get more info: www.ohmemberevents.com (click on November, since then when it will be held). Okedokey. I hope you all have a wonderful day! ~Brandi~
on 5/4/04 1:53 pm - South Central, TN
I bookmarked it & told my husband we were going to Knoxville in November! LOL I can't wait, he said "You won't be obese in November" God love him for his optimism! TTYS Candi
on 5/5/04 4:41 am - Crossville, TN
Hi! I was just wondering but what actually happens at these events? I've never heard of one? Thanks! -Katie
on 5/5/04 6:47 am - Nashville, TN
Hi! Really, I'm not sure exactly what goes on at these meetings...because this is the first time they are being held. I think it will alot of fun, though. If for no other reason than to meet lots of post-op and pre-op people here in TN! I think that is it gets closer to November OH will send out more info. about the meeting. I'm really looking forward to it! It will be a blast to meet people from this site! (I have practically lived and breathed this site for the past 2 years! lol) I hope you have a great day!
on 5/5/04 2:25 pm - South Central, TN
Me too girl, I live on this site, I swear it's like I'm keeping two families. I'm always thinking, I need to check the board, so & so's doing this today. But I just can't help myself, I can't wait for November, I'm hoping to be a big loser by then! Candi aka The bandstalker
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