Tomorrow's the day ...

on 5/4/04 11:43 am - Nashville, TN
William, You are in my thoughts,good luck and CONGRATS! Looking forward to your speedy recovery...Carol
wannabe an 8.
on 5/4/04 12:03 pm - knoxville, TN
Willaim You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow...Everything will be great!!!! Cant wait til you become a loooser!!
on 5/4/04 12:50 pm - TN
WOW Will, its finally here!!! YOUR BIG DAY IS HERE!!!! Woo hooo *doin the happy dance* i'm so jealous of ya!!! If its ok i'll try to come by Centennial and say hello. Happy rebirthday to you!!!! I'll keep you in my prayers hon. May God hold you in his loving hands throughout your surgery and recovery! Keep the faith! God bless!!! Ya big loser!!!! Melanie
on 5/4/04 1:31 pm - South Central, TN
William, I am so excited for you & I'm so glad you got through you dread liquid phase I will be praying for you tonight that you get through this surgery w/no complications & that God is w/your surgeon as he operates on such a special member of our TN board. You are going to do great & be great afterwards & your outsides will match your beautiful insides, you have been such an inspiration to me! BTW, Mel if you go I want to go tooooooo, maybe Sunday??? God speed William! Candi
T H.
on 5/4/04 7:38 pm - NH
Thanks, Candi ... I appreciate all of you kind and positive thoughts and encouragement, it is greatly appreciated. I hope that we'll all be able to be losers together soon!
T H.
on 5/4/04 7:36 pm - NH
Thanks Melanie! I appreciate it very much. Thank you for all of the positive encouragement and I will see you on the losing side!
on 5/4/04 1:15 pm - Columbia, SC
Good luck tomorrow, William! I will be thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way. Susan {!}
T H.
on 5/4/04 7:39 pm - NH
Thank you Susan, I appreciate that very much! I hope to be back on the board soon ...
on 5/4/04 2:58 pm - Crossville, TN
Ohhh honey! I'm so excited for you! Please let me know how you are as soon as your able to walk! LOL! Good Luck, Best Wishs, and I'll be thinking about you tomorrow! Big Hugs, Katie
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