Saturday Roll Call!
Hello What are you doing today? We just got through with our son's baseball games. We lost one and won one. The second game was forfeited by the other team. I didn't understand why. They had an older player than there was supposed to be and we did not want him be catcher behind the plate. It was not fair the 13 year old's. The coach said he could play outfield. The reason they had a 15 year old was they were short a player. They did not like the idea him playing outfield so they forfeited. I still think our team got cheated. But who am I to judge. So we came home earlier than expected. I am fixing to go bike riding with my sister. My foot is not up to walking much today.
Hope you all have a great weekend. It finally turned sunny after cloudy skies this morning

Hey Lisa!
I'm here but I don't know anything about baseball to even give my opinion on that! LOL! Damn it!
However, I'm just being lazy - I'm still working on building up energy, even a month out of surgery. Ugh. I do need to catch up on some e-mails but I'm just being.... l-a-z-y. (I hate that word!)
Hope you have a nice bike ride! It's rainy where I am but such a pretty day. I wish we could have this weather year around - Perfect 70 degrees. Oh it would be heaven.

Hiya Lisa and other friends! I've been running around today. We took Savanna 1 1/2 hrs north to stay with her dad and grandmother for the weekend, then hit the baseball game between MSU and Vandy. It started raining at the 7th inning stretch so we left, had dinner, and now am back home. Hopefully i'm gonna veg out tomorrow. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Hi there Roomies!
My son Wyatt and I pulled weeds all day, MAN do my knees hurt! Tomorrow we are going to plant some flowers, Momma wants a purdy flower garden to look at! I'll be glad when I get some of this extra poundage off so it will be easier to do things like yardwork. Funny how "thin" people take things like yardwork for granted.
We re-did my son Wyatts room last weekend, (well, he and his Dad did the biggest bulk of wallpapering and I did some of the painting) anyways, tomorrow (as Wyatts sitting here reading and "reminding" me !!!) I promised (contigent on his weed pulling abilities today LOL) that we would go to get him some new "stuff" for his room (comforter etc). He did good today, whadya all think, should I take him?????
More later, Carol