No posts yet this morning???

T H.
on 4/28/04 10:09 pm - NH
Ok, so am I the only one who gets up with the birds? I hope everybody has a wonderful day today as it's Friday and it looks to be beautiful outside. And best of all for me, I did not run amuck from another day of liquids, which is always a good thing ... For all those seeking approval, may it come soon ... For those in pre-op, wishes for a uneventful procedure ... For those post-op, a speedy and kind recovery ... Have a great day! 6 days and counting ... Todd
on 4/28/04 10:20 pm - TN
G'mornin Todd. And NO you're not the only one up lol. I've been outta bed since 6, awake for hours before that. My surgeons appt is today so the excitement kept me awake. Bet I wont have that problem sitting in his waiting room lol. OMG OMG i'm so excited!!! Happy day everyone!! YEE HAW! Melanie
on 4/28/04 10:58 pm - Crossville, TN
Ugh @ Morning People! LOL! Anyways, I'm finally awake - sitting here drinking my Pineapple/Orange Juice, wishing this toothach would go away. Hope ya'll have a great day!!!
T H.
on 4/28/04 11:02 pm - NH
Katie! Good Morning, kiddo ... I'm sorry you're feeling poorly today ... Of course, if you notice my original post said it was Friday ... So I have I guess I have gone a little crazy from nothing but liquids ... I do hope you get to feeling better! Take care!
on 4/28/04 11:07 pm - Crossville, TN
LOL! You scared me when I read friday actually - I went straight to checking the dates because today is one of the last FRIENDS shows. Gosh, if I had missed that - I might of started crying! LOL! Anyways, it's so strange - I'll pour meds on this tooth but yet I stoped taking meds when I got home from surgery. *rolls eyes* Hope your doing well! 6 more days! WOOHOO! hugs!
on 4/28/04 11:46 pm - South Central, TN
Thursday, Friday, Saturday who cares, it's another beautiful morning & we're alive to see it! Sounds like you're doing pretty good hangin' in there what are you doing to pass the time while you wait & starve? LOL I can't believe how soon your surgery is, it seems like not too long ago you were talking about all your pre-op tests & now it's only 6 days away!!! Are you scared? Well sending good thoughts you way & it'll be here & gone before you know it! TTYS Candi
on 4/29/04 1:48 am - Nashville, TN
Good Morning Everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful day! It is a beautiful day today...too bad I'm stuck at work. Oh, well. 6 days and seems like forever, huh? You will be post-op before you know it though. (I wi**** WAS Friday!!!) ~Brandi~
wannabe an 8.
on 4/29/04 8:00 am - knoxville, TN
Well i am an early upper person too i just cant even see to ype til now!!!! LOL no really i get up at 5 am and get kids ready for day care and off to work. Hope evryone had a good day
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