Fat friends made in heaven!!LOL

on 4/28/04 4:41 am - South Central, TN
Hey everyone, hope all ya'll Tennesseans are doing good today. I just thought I'd share a little bit about OH. Several months ago I started researching WLS & I came across a little site called Obesity Help well I looked into the different forums & lo & behold there was one for TN, well although the TN board isn't always a party I did notice one day someone posting that was really close to my home. Her name was Melanie Tipps, the very same poster on this board. Well I sent her a note & she sent me one back & by gosh a fat friendship was born! We were both in the hunt phase of our process & were looking into the different procedures. Well since our meeting she has decided for the RNY & I have decided on the lapband, which I think is really neat that we both have our own reasons for the surgery we chose, but yet we can get along & just agree to accept each others decision. Well after several weeks, several botched attempts at getting together & several IM sessions later we finally met last night for the first time! We got together & rode to a seminar in Nashville given by a doctor that does both procedures. It was her first seminar & my second. It was very long & very informative & we had a great time. The ride was a little over an hour & we talked ALL the way there & ALL the way back It was really neat to be w/someone that knows exactly what you are going through & has a lot of your same fears/excitements. So, I guess I'm just sharing this to say that I hope more people will start posting on our little ol' board & maybe some more friendships can be born! Before long though we won't be able to call ours fat friendships b/c we will be skinny minny's! So let's keep the posts going & keep the love flowin'! Also Mel when you read this I have a great idea I'll e-mail it to you so ck your e-mail & then we'll let everyone else on OH in on the secret! TTYS, The bandstalker Candi Pre-op lapband
on 4/28/04 5:22 am - Crossville, TN
Awww that is fantastic!!! I've actually met 3 people on that board like that! It's so wonderful to be able to talk to someone that truely understands what your going through. I've only gotten to meet one of them but really I didn't get to meet him! He drove 6 hours to see me at the hospital when I got out of surgery and the only thing I really remember is waking up from surgery in ICU with my parents, 2 brothers, Tony & his grandmother all gathered around my bed; Then the nurse kicked them out and I passed out again LOL! Tony had the surgery last year in July, so he's been great to talk to about the after affects of surgery and all that good stuff. However, my friend Tonya - She's having surgery in June! YAY! We don't live to far from each other but we've just been way to busy to meet each other, hopefully SOON. She's so awsome and I'm her angel. LOL Sadly, I'm not so sure what an angel does but we'll go with it. I've also become really good friends with the Mr. William Holden on the board. I'm so excited for him! He has surgery in about 7 days!! WOOHOO!! Anyways, This is the greatest place! LOL! I didn't realize it till AFTER surgery though. Silly! Silly! Hugs, Katie
on 4/28/04 6:37 am - Nashville, TN
That is really great! It's really awesome having someone to talk to who knows exactly what you are going through! Right after I had my surgery I got an email from a woman named Kristina who lives in Maryland. (I had a crying spell for a few days post-op) She emailed and told me that she had read my profile and was going through the same thing! She had her surgery the same day I did, so everyday we email each other back and forth comparing notes and supporting each other. I am so thankful that she read my profile and decided to write me! On a side note, a friend of mine here at work, Layla, is scheduled to have her surgery on May 10th. I introduced her to OH, and I am going to be her 'Cheerleader'. ~Brandi~ (2.5 mos. post-op, -65 lbs.)
on 4/28/04 9:19 am - TN
Such sweet things you say, gf! At least you didnt tell them about our involvement with the police! I had a GREAT time last night!!! I can't recall the last time I laughed so hard. And you're right about it being wonderful that we've chosen different paths and accept one another's decisions without difficulty. I'm glad we stumbled upon one another and sparked this new "fat chick romance". Oh yes, and i'm getting to work on the demo's for the bumper stickers! Love ya!! Melanie
T H.
on 4/28/04 9:38 pm - NH
Yep, this is a great place to meet friends who are going through or have gone through the same things. The biggest positive is the sharing of information and the extended support that many of us have. Katie and I trade emails on a regular basis and talk about not only what I might expect but generally what's going on with each other. There are several others that I have communicated with and you are all quite wonderful! I definitely want to say thank you to you, Candi, for the kind words and wishes that you have sent! You are a terrrrrrrific supporter! I wish you, Melanie and all of the pre-ops a uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery! To all of the post-ops, such as Katie, you have been a tremendous help keeping my mind remembering why I started this journey! You're a wonderful "e-friend" I just hope that I can be as helpful to others. I'm glad some people have started stirring things up on the local boards Todd (6 days and counting ...)
on 4/28/04 10:14 pm - TN
Hiya Todd! Wow, 6 days. I'm jealous!! Thanks so much for the very kind things you said. I wish the very best for you in your walk to the losing side. I try to remember to pray for everyone at least once a day. I'll certainly add you to my list. Everyone here has been so great and the support is amazing. I love that no matter what issues you have, SOMEONE here has been there and can set your mind at ease or say GET OFF YOUR ASS and exercise! Or get to the ER! LOL. I love you guys!! YEE HAW! Melanie
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