My Reasons For Wanting WLS

Julie G.
on 4/25/04 1:03 pm - Lebanon, TN
These are my reasons I keep listed by the computer so I won't get discouraged or scared and back out of having the surgery. My surgeon consult is set for August 3rd! It's such a long wait. I can't wait for it to get here. Why I Want to have sugery: So I won't physically hurt so much So I can help my grandmother So I can take care of my grandmother when she gets older So I can walk without getting out of breath So I can climb stairs So I won't be tired all the time So I won't have to stop and rest every few minutes So I can breathe better So I can exercise So I can weigh on a normal scale So I can feel like a normal person So I can sit in any chair I decide to sit in So I can like how I look and not be ashamed So people won't make fun of me and stare at me So I can do whatever I want to do So I can wrap a towel all the way around me So I will have a lap So I won't be "The Fat Girl" So I can ride all the rides So I'll have more room in the bathtub So I can shop for clothes in the smaller section So I can ride a bicycle again So I can wear a bathing suit and go to the beach if I want to So I can sit with my legs crossed So I can run if I want to So my family can reach all the way around me for a hug So pictures won't be so bad So I won't have to worry about fitting into places So I won't have to sit with the car seat all the way back So I can sit Indian-style So I can make Dad proud of me So maybe the Sleep Apnea will get better So I won't have to take as many pills So maybe my High Blood Pressure will go away Julie [email protected]
on 4/26/04 12:07 am - HOLLY SPRINGS, MS
Julie, it's amazing how we all are so similar in this world of obesity. Most of the things listed on your list apply to me also. This website keep me encouraged, because we all share common issues regardless of race, religion, ect...When I read the success stories and view the before and after photos I associate my self with the other side also, that's what keep me encouraged. It will happen! Be encouraged
on 4/26/04 2:18 pm - South Central, TN
Here's some more: So I won't get hot & sweaty just getting dressed in the morning So I can wear a pair of jeans w/a shirt tucked in & a belt! So my underwear doesn't look like a surrender flag! So I can be smaller than my husband So my husband can get his arms around me when we hug So my son doesn't have to worry about his mom being fat To be a better example for my son & daughter To stop this legacy of obesity in my family To make sure I am around a long time for my family
Julie G.
on 4/27/04 2:24 am - Lebanon, TN
Candi, Thanks for posting more reasons to have the surgery. These are great. Julie
wannabe an 8.
on 4/27/04 10:07 am - knoxville, TN
Julie and Candi I think you guys are reading my mind!!!!
John N.
on 4/29/04 2:57 am - Hendersonville, TN
The sleep apnea and high blood pressure will go away. If you are diabetic that will change too. You may be completely off medication. I hope your Dad is proud of you right now. He should be. -Wife of member
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