Overly excited...
Ok here I am, haven't even had my first consult, not even sure if my insurance company will approve the surgery I want but I found myself in Wal-Mart tonight looking at size 8 shorts! I just couldn't help myself, I looked at the 8's, the 11's, the 13's & I just couldn't help but think could this really be me someday? I mean I never thought I'd see a size 13 again! Much less anything smaller. I told my husband that I could definately be happy with a 13 but anything bigger & I think I will be disappointed. See I don't really have a weight goal, just a size goal. I worry though as I think about getting smaller about my whole family dynamics. I've always been the biggest in my family. It's just me, my mother & my younger sister, but they've always been smaller than me & for me to think that I may be smaller than them, it's just too weird. I am just so excited I can't wait until my consult! I wish I could move it up sooner! A month is waaaaay to long to wait.
Ok talk to everyone soon & have a Happy Easter.
Congratulations Candi,
I'm really happy for you. I just found out that the Doctor that I wanted to do my surgery has decided to settle with BC/BS and now they are accepting the insurance. I have been overweight for a lot of years......since my sophomore year in high school.....and believe me I have my dream outfit all picked out. I mailed all of my preliminary paperwork into the office and hopefully will hear from someone within the next week.....I'm thinking the summer off from work would be great to recuperate from surgery......good luck to you and congratulations again. I wish you all the luck in the world and I know in my heart that your insurance is a go......
Ok since this is my thread I'm going to go off topic from the original post.
I have a consult set up w/Dr. Husted but as I was researching surgeons last night I saw that Dr. Dyer & Dr. Olsen both have more experience than Dr. Husted, also Dr. Husted doesn't contract w/my insurance. Can you tell me does Dr. Dyer contract w/insurances? Also how much is his consult & how long did it take for you to get in w/him for a consult & does he have a long waiting list for sugery? Also, how was his manner? Ok, enough questions.