Urgent legislation coming up for vote!!

Jama Stinnett
on 3/19/04 8:32 am - Knoxville, TN
od Evening, I want to apologize for the short notice but this request just came about today and I hope you can help. Recently we have been meeting with members of the legislature of Tennessee on a bill mandating insurance coverage for obesity surgery. It has gained a lot of steam in the last few days. A meeting has been scheduled for March 30th in Nashville with the Industrial Impact Committee which is a group of individuals who will decide whether or not the bill will get out of committee and to the floor of the State House and Senate. For us to have the most impact we need to let the members know the importance of this piece of legislation. To emphasize this we need letters from surgeons and patients in the hands of the legislators by Friday March 26th which means the letters should be postmarked no later than Wednesday March 24th (I have attached the bio's on the members and their addresses - send letters to their Nashville address). Certain information needs to be highlighted in each of the letters. That information is: SURGEON LETTERS SHOULD INCLUDE: Obesity ranks only behind tobacco related deaths as the biggest killer of the American Population (435,000 deaths tobacco / 400,000 deaths from obesity) Limited insurance coverage - reimbursement for life saving procedures is vital with adequate compensation for the surgeon, hospital and related care givers. You might want to go into detail on the additional resources necessary to treat the obese population pre and post surgery. Obesity is recognized by the Surgeon General as a disease and as such should have the same consideration as other disease states when it comes to insurance coverage and reimbursement. Information on resolution of co-morbidities and the reduction of the expenses associated with those co-morbid conditions. (Substantiated by statistical evidence if available %EWL, Change in BMI, Weight Before and Last Visit, Medications alleviated for their co-morbid conditions - costs if available) Safety and efficacy of LAP-BAND Surgery This is not a life style issue, or done for cosmetic reasons, but to save their life PATIENT LETTERS SHOULD INCLUDE: Difficulty in getting insurance to cover procedure Lap-Band Changed their life (resolution of co-morbid condition) improvement in quality of life Health improvements Social and psychological well being This was not done as a life style issue, or done for cosmetic reasons, but to save their life It is important that we get copies of all letters if possible for the presenters at the meeting. You can fax the copies of the letters to (901) 753-0314. Also we may need to have patients attend the hearing. Once we get feed back from the legislators responsible for the bill on this issue I will let you know. Thanks in advance for all your help and support. Bill
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