Urgent please help

Jama Stinnett
on 2/3/04 4:36 am - Knoxville, TN
Representative Overby called this morning to give an assessment on the status of the Bariatric surgery bill. As we suspected the insurance lobby is viciously fighting the bill and have had their lobbyists visiting all state legislators. Senator Burchett has the bill in the Senate Commerce committee and has delayed progress because he is certain that it will be defeated in committee if action is taken this week. Rep Overby has received 33 e-mails from constituents in his district all in favor of the bill but the Farm Bureau lobbyist has already vowed to fight it to the death. Farm Bureau along with Blue Cross are some of the strongest lobbyists on the hill. We really have only one option at this point and that is to try to generate more support among local constituents statewide. It will have to be statewide support because legislators in West Tennessee are not going to count votes from East Tennessee voters. Everyone needs to know that calling and letter writing are best, e-mail is ok but e-mail must include the address, otherwise the e-mail is discarded. I will stay in touch with Rep Overby and Senator Burchett, however we will be unable to call the bill for a vote until they both feel that the insurance lobby can be defeated. Anything and everything we can do to gain local, grassroots constituent support is what is needed. Direct contact to all state legislators will be required to have a prayer of defeating the insurance companies.
on 2/3/04 4:35 pm - Knoxville, Tn
Thanks for the heads up! I posted this on the main message board in the hopes that we will be able to rally some support. People, let's get on the ball with this! Don't let the companies that WE PAY win so they WON"T PAY!!
Sherry C.
on 2/8/04 2:27 pm - Elizabethton, TN
Good luck if there is anything i can do to help please let me know.I am 34 and trying to get surgery through bluecare.
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