Update & Anniversity
I have no pictures as of yet but I am scheduled for the next thing to be done is the hernia repair and the antiplasery or something like that?...Dr. Steely is my surgeon and my date is set for February 19........I have had some difficulties with the trying to eat slowly and to not eat the things that got me in this mess in the first place....
..I have been going back to the support group and it has helped alot...
The one I have doesn't seem to want to let me talk about or maybe it is that I can't seem to get in a word edgewise...
I guess that is what I WOULD LIKE TO DO IS CRAWL SOMEWHERE AND HIDE...I have had a time with having support through this ordeal of the surgery and going back to the slippery places like having food all around me...Anyway I just am not sure how much I have lost..I know last time I checked it was 100 pounds and that was serveral weeks ago...
is what I feel sometimes when I want to reach out and eat the wrong things that will only hurt me....Like chockolate or what have you....I see that there are so many people that have done well on the surgery weight loss and I just would like to know if I could make it too.....Whoever wrote me I really do appreciate it..I almost forgot it was a year today...So I will try and get pictures and get an update to you all to let you know how i am doing..Thanks for reading..
...I love these smiley faces they really do express the way I feel....Thanks...Rebecca

Rebecca, I wanted to tell you happy anniversary, and to thank you for writing me as well. It helps to hear what others are going thru or have went thru, and please know we are all here for you as well. I am so proud of you!
100 lbs weight loss is grrreat!
Whenever you need to talk we are here for you. This website is truly a Godsend; has saved my sanity more than a few times