I need Answers Please!!!

on 11/28/03 7:17 am - MD
Hi All, It's that time again. Yes, for me to vent. My support systems are in order, my weight is pulling off fast, but fast in who's eyes? Not mine that is for sure. Oh you look so good, to who? Not me. I know you feel good, No not really. Sure I can eat just about anything and not get sick, at least for now. Be thankful they say, oh but I am thankful. So what are you trying to say they ask? I am doing this thing because I have no choice at his point I say. But in the meantime can anybody tell me when does it get better. I have talked with my therapist, I have talked with my Lisa C. I have talked with Lisa D. I have talked with Wendy, I have talked with Debbie and tons of others. But when do I feel better I ask. Now what I need to know is the real deal. I need to talk to someone who is having the emotional difficulties that I am having. I am not sure what is wrong, is it just me, am I the only one that feels this way. I mean I read post after post after post and I hear all the glitz and glamour, but I have yet to come across anyone that has really displayed any real emotional trauma. If you are out there please respond because I need to talk. If you do not wanna tell your story on air please email me privately. I just need to know am I the only person that feels this way. I can give very good advice, and I can give lots of support and say encouraging things and mean them from the bottom of my heart, but I can not take my own advice, I am terrible at being my own support person. I am not trying to scare and new post ops or pre ops, this does not affect everybody the same, but for me it is beyond anything I could have evr conceived mentally and before I loose my mind I just need to know is it me? Am I the only person that feels this way? Adrienne
Tammy E.
on 11/29/03 11:42 pm - Clarksville, TN
Hi All! No you are not the only one that feels down. I think if I didn't take my Paxil I would be a basket case. Some days I just want to EAT! EAT! EAT! Just a bite of bread with butter, a sandwich, a debbie cake, WHATEVER it might be. I had surgery Sept. 23, 2003. I'm down 50 pounds now. Will I ever be able to eat like that normal skinny person???????????? I doubt it. I pray a lot and sometimes go to the bedroom and cry. Then it's over but it always comes back. I just keep on keeping on! Take my medicine and kid about I'm melting away. Hold on and know we all have some of your feelings. With all my love, Tammy E.
on 12/30/03 1:46 am - Nashville, TN
Adrienne, I don't know if I can offer any help, but I have been having emotional problems too. I am 9 weeks post op. About 2 weeks ago I began to experience a roller coaster ride of emotions. I have been like a coiled up rattle snake ready to strike the first thing that came close to me. I have even had thoughts of, "Why did I have this done?" "I Wish I didn't have this done." I have cried, I have had memories of childhood, and a flood of other emotional crisis. I felt like all of the energy had been sucked out of me. Even tho I am losing an average of 10 pounds every two weeks, it seems like forever getting the weight off. I have lost 80+ pounds since my operation and I am just now beginning to see results. My stomach no longer grinds into the steering wheel of my truck, my pants are very very loose, and I can move around better. I have 250 more pounds to go. I can't exercise like I want to because it still hurts my hip, knee, and ankle joints. I did some research and found a website that explains what you are experiencing. Go to: http://www.mcdunn.com/oss/postop/hibernation_syndrome.htm It should give you some insite on what you are experiencing.
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