lots of "PAIN" drinking water

D M.
on 10/17/03 12:45 pm - memphis, TN
Well, everyone I am still a newbee to this group. I got banded on Aug 26th and had my first fill on Oct 9th. I am having trouble/pain eating anything. I am in lots of "PAIN" drinking water. (I have lost 10 pounds this week, because I can't eat or drink almost anything) I went back to the MD and don't know it he really believed I was having a problem. He did send me for a barium swallow test today and I will get the results next week. Well, I am in the medical field and the tech kindly showed me all my results. The band is not around the under part of my stomach.... it's at the top around the area near my esophagus as it empties into my stomach. So, when I am getting my fill it is tighting around my esophagus area. Now, I know why water hurting so bad going down. I have to use a spoon to get a little water in. I don't know it my MD believed me or not when I was telling him I had trouble drinking liquid and at times vomiting. Yes, I am losing weigh.... but at the cost of my health. Hope this problem is corrected soon Anyone have any comment I would love to hear from you I am not ready to give up my Band......it was my last hope. Dorothy
kristi D.
on 10/18/03 12:22 pm - chattanooga, TN
just want to say hang in there. i wish pigs could fly so that our struggles would cease.....but until then, take a 1/2 tsp of water every 1/2 hour and with each swallow, know that i am rooting for you and have you in my prayers. call the doc first thing monday am, if not before. kristi in chattanooga
on 10/19/03 11:16 pm - birchwood, tn
Dorothy , I am so sorry to hear this about you . Are they going to do anything for you. It seems like they would need to go in and correct the problem that they cause , I thought that it was suppose to go around a portion of your stomach. Keep intouch.
Krystle M.
on 12/25/03 10:58 am - Flat Rock, IL
I know you pain all to well sweetheart, my name is Krystle and I am from Houston Tx I just moved to IL about 11 months ago, I had surgery in 2001 with Dr. Molina, like most we did not hit it off he was a mean little man, but he knew what he was doing ... Anyways I went from 320 to 130 in almost a year and one month but that it also because I could not eat not from the day I had surgery I threw everything up, I would eat the only 3 oz. and maybe 10 minutes if that it would be right back up at me... I did not tell anyone.. I was losing weight and everyone loved it I loved it I was 21 and looked amazing I was in a size 7 and felt great other than throwing up all the damn time.. Anyways I moved here in March and started having dizzy spells I chalked it up to different atmosphere and stress.. Well in the beginning of April I got really sick @ my dad's and passes out in the bathroom, my uncle took me to the hospital were I was told that I had a kidney infection, UT Infection and my heart was in distress from have a low potassium of only 3 which your normal is like a 9, I was slowly killing myself and did not care because I was thin..... Who knew I thought be fat was gonna kill me not being skinny... Anyways I was in the hospital for 14 days because at first they thought I was making myself sick and that I was sticking my finger down my throat but when they did a barrium drip they learned nothing was passing by the band , I was like a fault but I could only drip liquids by nothing solid would go down... Well no Dr. here would touch me they knew nothing of the segmentation or the banding and it was a mess , I spent 14 days laid in a hospital bed with potassium running into my veins to straighten out my heart problem, finally my Aunt a Nurse at Union Hospital in Terre Haute ,IN , talked to her Boss who is a cardiolgist and he reffered me to a specialist who took the band off.. I have gained a little weight back I am a 18/20 but I am happy and healthy it is a day to day struggle to keep the weight off.. I thought if I were just skinny then all my problems would be solved and I think that is a big put of me not telling anyone about the throwing up .. That and I was scared to gain all that weight and then some... Because if there is one thing I remember Dr. Molina saying it was if you take the band off you are guarrented to gain all the weight and more back, well I am working like hell to prove him wrong... Don't get me wrong he was a good Dr. but the band was just not for me... I thank him for giving me the chance to get the weight off .... I just realized being Skinny ALMOST KILLED ME ..... I would much rather be 200 pounds and be able to see my little brother grow up then I would like being buried in a SIZE 7........ Thank You Krystle Miller
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