Help! Tri-cities, TN area... Anyone heard of Dr. Michael Hodge?
I asked my PCP (which is actually a multi-physician, drop-in type) to call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Scot****son in Johnson City, TN. Instead they scheduled me (incredibly fast, like 1 week from the day they asked to my consult) with Dr. Michael Hodge. He is in the same office and he is listed on this website as a bariatric surgeon but I can not find any other mention of him anywhere! I guess I'll find out more tomorrow at my appointment but I would like to know ahead of time who he is and if anyone has any experience with him... Please e-mail me if you can at: (the letter "o"2bmore) [email protected].

I wanted to share with you my experience with Dr. Watson/Hodge's office staff.
I had an appointment October 9 at 3pm, I drove to Johnson City, TN from
Abingdon, VA - a 45 minute drive one way. I arrived at the office, signed in
and sat down right in front of the receptionist window, looked the
receptionist in the eye and smiled, waiting expectantly for her to give me
paperwork to fill out... She walked around the reception area talking to
someone... I waited for 15 minutes for her to give me my paperwork. Once I
had it filled out she told me I would be called back soon, 15 minutes later
she called my name and then proceeded to tell me that I would have to pay
$245 upfront, I couldn't see the doctor until they had the money for the
visit. I told her I had an e-mail from my insurance rep. that stated that my
consult and surgery would be covered if it was "medically necessary" and I met the criteria in my policy, so I assumed no problem...
She informed me that while I was waiting she called my insurance and the
insurance said,
, they wouldn't pay for an office visit but maybe the
surgery. I told her a co-worker in my office has the EXACT same insurance & is seeing Dr. Watson she said well I guess we didn't call on her but she can't have her surgery until she pays for the office visits. I told her the insurnace had paid for my friend's office visit & she had the explaination of benefits from the insurance saying it WAS PAID! She said sorry but I'll need $245 for you to see the doctor.
Please believe me when I say I am NOT a vocal person, I don't yell or scream or get obstinate, I write my feelings much better than I can share with someone in person, so I feel like I did not provoke her in any way. She was exceptionally HATEFUL!
I feel like this attempt was a waste of my time... I hope to call my
insurance company and get a straight answer and try to understand what
happened. I would not have been so offended if she had approached me with a helpful or compassionate manner. Instead she was antagonistic and left me feeling it was my fault the insurance had told her the visit wouldn't be paid for.
I expect to speak again with my insurance and try to clarify why it was
indicated an office visit would not be covered... Could it be possible she
didn't speak with someone at my insurnace? At least when she determined (correctly or incorrectly) that I would have to pay for my visit she might have offered to re-schedule my appointment so that when I had the situation straightened out I could come back and complete my consultation.

I had my surgery done in Lebanon, Va, with Dr Andrew Kramer. I live in Maryville, Tn, so it's about a 3 hour drive. Dr Kramer is the absolute best, The finest surgeon and office staff and he's always available for questions and after-care support. I researched all the doctors in Tennessee and georgia and I'm sooooo thankful I found Dr Kramer. Carol Pavelcik