It's A Waiting Game No One Should Have To Endure ! ! !

on 10/7/03 4:02 am - Nashville, TN
The latest deal with my surgery is, my Human Resources director has contacted the CIGNA Executive Rep and I was told that the person who generates the approval letters was out sick for a week. She said they are taking care of getting the approval letter sent to my surgeon. That was last Wednesday. My biggest fear is I will just fall through the cracks and be forgotten by the insurance company. Not that I am afraid of death, I'm not. I know if I don't get this surgery done soon I'll be pushing up daisy's in a year or two. Even tho I have been approved, my surgeon can't schedule the surgery until they get the approval letter. The surgery has to be performed on or before December 3, 2003. I have been having mild anxiety attacks over all of this. I had my Sleep Test done last Thursday October 2nd. The nurse said I quit breathing 152 times between 10:30PM and 1:00AM. She also said I quit breathing one time for 1:16 seconds. No snoring was recorded. No wonder I wake up feeling like I've been rode hard and put away wet. I also have a sinus infection which isn't helping me sleep. Tick tock tick tock Tick tock tick tock Tick tock tick tock . . . . .
kristi D.
on 10/11/03 11:03 am - chattanooga, TN
Hang in there. Call Cigna every single day. I used to have them for insurance and they were slow on everything! I think a lot of people give up and then they don/t have to pay claims. So good luck and start calling. You are right one should have to jump thru so many hoops.
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