Amerigroup / Middle Tennessee?
She lives in Middle TN and is looking for a bariatric sergeon around Murfreesboro and/or Nashville area who accept AMERIGROUP through TennCare insurance. She's called her insurance directly, with no luck of them being able to acutally give her names/numbers. They have however comfirmed weight loss surgery is covered.
Any help would be greatly accepted

TENNCARE AMERIGROUP is currently only accepted by Dr. George Eckles in Murfreesboro, and Dr. Charles Huddleston in Cookeville, Tn
These are the only options...
You are required to attend a seminar with the hospital that is doing the surgery.. I have met both dr eckles and i have met Dr. huddleston. I will be going with dr huddleston...
Approval will require a bmi over 35 and two comorbidities or a bmi over 40 and no comorbidities..
also 6 months of weigh ins with PCP, proof of failed diet attempt and a written recommendation plus office notes from pcp..
then a psych exam is required, and a cardiac stress test all before insurance approval... finallly if insurance approves some prop stuff will be done....
After attending a seminar start with having your pcp sending a referral to the Dr. office that you choose.
Dr. Eckles 615 396 4199 or 615 867 1940
murfreesboro will not admit to accepting Amerigroup on the phone because they dont like the paperwork. sad but true.... However if you attend a seminar they will discuss it with you while you are there...
Cookeville Dr. Huddleston 931 528 1992
Best of luck!