Question about Centennial surgeons (Nashville)?

on 11/17/11 10:11 am
I had my surgery on October 26, 2011 with Dr. Olsen. He performed a laparoscopic VSG and he was absolutely wonderful!! I can't say enough good things about my experiences with him, his staff, and the staff at Centennial. I can honestly say I would do it again in a heartbeat. The only problem I had was a little post op nausea from the anesthesia. I wish you well with whichever surgeon you choose.
on 11/19/11 11:48 am - TN
 I had a VSG on November 2.  Dr. Houston was my surgeon.  I can not say enough good things about Dr. Houston or the entire Centennial experience.  I had my surgery on a Wednesday, was discharged on Friday, and by Sunday I had stopped all of the pain meds.  The entire staff is supportive, professional, caring.  The nurses on the Ward were amazing.  My incisions are almost completely healed and I have already lost quite a bit of weight (I'm averaging about 1 lb a day).

I saw Dr. Olsen once, he was my Discharge doctor (Dr. Houston was out of town).  He was pleasant and professional.

I will say one thing.  A lot of people seemscared by Dr. Houston.  He has a reputation for being brusque or condescending.  Several people in the support groups I went to pre-op mentioned that.  I DID NOT experience any of that.  He is busy and time with him is at a premium.  He was always pleasant with me, he listened (even when I did something stupid), and has given me wonderful advice both before and after surgery.  I couldn't recommend him highly enough.

 160 lbs lost. Surgeons Goal Reached in 33 weeks.  My Goal in 37 Weeks.

VSG: 11/2/2011; LBL+Thigh Lift+BL: 10/3/2012; Brach+Mastopexy:  7/22/2013

on 11/20/11 1:25 pm
Thanks so much for your input Robert! Wow, 1 lb/day is amazing! I really appreciate your help and encouragement :)
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