Question about Centennial surgeons (Nashville)?

on 11/2/11 7:07 am
Has anyone had a VSG done by any of the surgeons at Centennial Center for the Treatment of Obesity in Nashville? I love the practice and am trying to decide on a surgeon. I like Dr. Olsen but it looks like he's done way fewer VSG's than Dr. Houston.

Any opinions about this would be SO greatly appreciated? I need to make my decision really, really quickly.
on 11/3/11 3:43 am, edited 11/3/11 3:43 am
All three surgeons are wonderful...  Highly skilled with great personalities *****ally care about their patients.  Dr, Houston is the only one who does the DS, so that made the choice for me.  You could flip a coin: heads = Houston/tails = Olsen.  If you find yourself saying, "I hope it's ______." then you've made your choice. 

Of course if it lands on its edge, I don't know what to tell you.

(For what it's worth, my friend is having a VSG by Houston next week.  She mainly chose Houston because of the 6 or 7 people we know and work with, all have seen Houston. YET, at our local support group, most have chosen Olsen.  You really can't go wrong with either one.)

"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us."  Stephen Covey

Don't litter!  Spay or neuter your pet

on 11/13/11 12:58 pm
Thanks so much for your reply and for your help!

P.S. I love your spay/neuter message!!!
Kelly B.
on 11/5/11 9:35 am
I had RNY with Dr. Dyer and he was amazing.  I had no complications and have already reached my goal at 10 1/2 months out.  All three are very good.
Angie H.
on 11/8/11 11:05 am - TN
I  agree you can't go wrong!!! I had RNY with Dr Houston 9/12/11... He and his staff were (and still are) amazing!! The nurses at the hospital were amazing also...

The whole Centennial experience was amazing actually. They really are "a class act."
on 11/13/11 12:59 pm
Thanks so much Kelly!!
on 11/13/11 9:15 am
My surgery is set for Dec. 5th with Dr. Olsen.  He can be a little off-putting at first with direct nature.  He's not at all a "warm and fuzzy" surgeon, but I've heard nothing but great things from his past patients.  

I did not have a good experience with Vanderbilt.  Centennial is much more personal and their staff has been so great about communication.  I highly recommend Centennial!
on 11/13/11 1:08 pm
I scheduled my sleeve surgery with Dr. Olsen on December 13! I hope your surgery goes super, super smoothly!
on 11/13/11 11:07 pm
We're practically surgery buddies.  Hope to see you at the reunion!
on 11/14/11 10:27 pm - Around Knoxville, TN
Hi : )

Be happy. 


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