Dr. Houston and adopting patients

on 8/25/11 8:28 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Cherrie,my girl... yep you are way backwards on your eating plan WAY WAY backwards. I totaled up your days menu just for fun and here is what I came up with. I used the banana for breakfast the tenderloin for lunch and lean cusine for dinner.
Carbs 146.8 Pro 77.2

Here is black and white is your problem. You have your items backwards. You need to be eating 140 grm of protein a day and even less than 77 grms of carbs and 43.3 grams of those carbs you listed are pure sugar.

It is no wonder you are hungry all the time. the carbs are keeping you hungry. If you will leave off the breads and the biscotti and definately the lean cusine,which are just expensive crap,and eat more real food,tenderloin,real cooked chicken,seafood,real cooked beef eggs,real cheese you will lose . Eating the carbs also makes you think your pouch has stretched. I am the same way,when I eat carbs I can eat WAYYYY more than I can when it is dense protein,but it is the same sleeve/pouch,no? It didn't go out and get itself changed from one meal to the next.

If you drink 100 oz of fluids a day,you won't have room for all the junk you are eating,I guarantee it. I get over 100 oz most days and it makes a huge difference to me.

In another post you wrote that your husband was worried about you and was always making you healthy meals. Why not eat those for lunch dinner instead of non nutritive things?

As far as no time to cook healthy meals,phttt,just an excuse girly.  On the weekend marinate a whole bag of chicken breasts and grill them all at once. use them all week for lunches and dinners.  Make up a pound or two of ground beef into0 low carb meatballs and use them al;ll week with marinara sauce and no pasta.

Use some of that grilled chix and make a bowl of chicken salad;make a bowl of tuna salad with eggs,boil a dozen eggs and eat them all week. Buy beef jerky,eat it all week. Make ham salad,egg salad,whatever meat salad and eat it all week.  Eat that tenderloin without the bread. Know why you can only eat 1/2 tenderloin sandwich? Cause the meat is so dense it fills you up. Bingo!! That is the whole point,you need to fill up on dense protein and you will not be hungry and you will  lose.

What about vitamins? I saw in another post where you were thinking about the DS? you know just because it has malabsorption that you still can't eat carbs and non dense stuff and lose weight,right? There is NO surgery that is gonna make that happen,sorry to say.

If you are noncompliant now with vitamins,son't even get a DS or you will be killing yourself if you know you won't be STRICTLY compliant with vitamins.

You can preportion all the menu items above into containers/baggies so you are ready to grab and go.

Celery dipped in hummus helps with the crunch and before you say I don't want celery let me say I know that. Me either,but if all I want is crunch,celery will work just fine. Now,if I start saying oH I NEED popcorn,biscotti etc cause I NEED to CRUNCH.that is head hunger,your head talking to you and not a physical need cause if it a PHYSICAL need,ANYTHING will fit  the bill. When we start picking and choosing only certain items that will work,that is old devil head hunger.




on 8/29/11 5:32 am - Henderson, KY
I am extremely compliant with my vitamins.  I take multi vitamins, calcium, iron, B12, Vitamin D.  When I had my blood tests done a couple of months ago, the only thing he found was that I am anemic, which I have been since I had surgery and he upped my iron. 

I am going to try AGAIN going back on a low carb diet.  I went to the grocery this weekend and bought quite a bit of meat and found some low carb recipes on the Internet that don't seem to take a whole lot of time to make.  I can't stand on my feet very long because my back starts hurting.  My hubby WAS fixing me supper every now and then but he doesn't now. 

I only ate 1/2 tenderloin sandwhich because i forced myself to stop not because I was full because I wasn't full. 

Thanks for the suggestions.
on 8/29/11 7:41 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Good for you on the vitamins, Also good on you for the plans you are making. You CAN turn this around. If you DON'T turn this around then the sad truth of the matter is that NO WLS is gonna work for you. But it won't be the surgery failing,so good l;uck and keep us posted,




on 6/15/13 9:35 am - Murfreesboro, TN

Thanks Holly, I wrote down the amts again and am putting them back on the fridge. I am almost 3 yrs out and have also gained 10 lbs.  Time to lose it and another 10 would be awesome.  Thanks for the reminder.

RNY at Vanderbilt Nashville, TN July 26, 2010 with Dr Clements. All loss is post op        
on 6/19/13 12:33 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

You got this! Make it work!




on 11/23/11 9:25 am - TN
I think you've got some really good advice on here.  I'd like to offer my take on this as well.

I know I'm a guy using a sports analogy and thats totally cliche, but here goes.  My take on Centennial and its doctors is that its less like a GP or PCP, and more like a team.  The surgeons are the coaches.  They are responsible for setting the strategic direction and resolving specific issues.  The rest of the team - the dietitians, the exercise physiologist, the coundelors - are the special teams coaches.  They are there to make sure the plan the surgeons establish works.

If you haven't been to any of Centennials education seminars, id advise you to go.  Take advantage of the dietitians - Pam is very good.  She can give you so much help on what to eat, portions, etc.  The Realize web tool that they give you has been a tremendous advantage to me for tracking what I eat and where issues are.  If you are not using that I would start today.  The team at Centennial can see that as well and help you identify problems.  

I also use nutritiondata.self.com to analyze the nutrition information for things I make at home.  IT will give you a nutrition abel for your recipe just like on the shelf at the supermarket.

When you go for your next appointment with Dr. Houston - Be frank and forthright.  If you have a specific concern voice it and be specific.  For example dont just say "Is my stoma OK?"  but say "I beleive my stoma may be stretched because 1.  I dont feel full when I eat 3 oz. of protein, 2....".  My take on Dr. Houston is that he respoects most the patients who are taking an active role, who have done their homework, and who are being upfront and honest.  I don't think hes going to be mean to you for an honest mistake or occasional slip-up as long as you own up to it and work to not do it again.  
on 4/14/13 10:12 am - mt juliet, TN

H, I just read your post I have him also and I fell the same way. I have put on almost all my weight that I lost and the more I put on the more I get depressed and so on. I am to ashamed to go back and see him. I never have had that full felling  like my friends and 2 daughters. I cry about it all the time just don't no what to do. Thanks I could say alot more but have to go. Thanks 

on 6/19/13 12:35 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Did you read the whole thread? My advice to the OP is the same for you. Your sleeve still works,you just have to use it correctly. You took it off once,you can do it again!





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