Back Again, I missed ya'll.....

on 12/31/10 6:38 am - TN
Hi guys,
I'm back, its been a couple of years and I have certainly let myself go. Now I'm back ready to live my life for me and no one else. I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. And for those who don't know me.
I'm Ashlea, the daughter of BarbieJ. I'm 27 and live in Middle TN. I've been obese for most of my life and its always been a struggle. I'm turning over a new leaf. My mom had RNY, I do not qualify for surgery, I am currently not working, therefore do not have insurance. I'm trying to lose my weight on my own. I know its going to be hard but I'm willing to make the sacrifice....
Love ya'll <3

Philipians 4: 6-7 -Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus

Tara S.
on 1/3/11 12:21 am - Smyrna, TN
You GO, Ashlea. Take it a day at a time. Don't expect HUGE results really fast. Instead, set small goals (not all number goals)... to walk x/wk, to eat in moderation, eat protein! stay away from lots of carbs - they're addictive & draw you away from healthier foods. If you're a "sweet tea" drinker, start sweetening w/ Splenda or sweet-n-low. You won't believe how much this ONE thing will help. If you drink cokes, move to diet, or stop all together (not necessarily cold turkey, but start limiting them, taper down, and then be done!) So many people consume 1/2 as many calories in their drinks, as they do in their foods! They'll watch what they eat, but drink huge amounts of cokes and sweet tea.

I hardly EVER get on here, but I'm glad I got your notification and came on to say hi. If you want to call/txt me: 525-6745; my email is [email protected] . Feel free to contact me any time. (I live in Smyrna).  I'm around, just not on OH... Love ya girl, and really hope for the best for you! Hope your mama is doing well! Tell her I said HI.

~ Tara

SW: 246   CW: 133        Christmas goal: 130


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