LapBand revisions?

on 11/9/10 11:35 am - TN
Anyone had a lapband revision?  What was it revised to?  What kind of insurance requirements did you face?  I had lapband surgery almost 4 years ago.  I had lost at one point 110 pounds,  but I have gained back 50 pounds and have trouble with keeping my food down and severe acid reflux.  I've had my band loosened twice because of this, but I still keep having problems with keeping food down BUT I'm gaining weight!  I'm so depressed.
on 11/10/10 10:49 am - Hermitage, TN

Hopefully Merry Mary comes by and can answer this for you.   She had a lapband and had it revised to the DS with Dr. Houston.   I am not sure if she had insurance or what she had to do for it but you should research all of the other WLS options and determine which would be best for you.   If the lapband did not work then restriction only should rule out the sleeve.   I would then research RNY and DS - now I am a little biased toward the DS but it has helped me loose over 300 pounds and at almost 2 years out - I love it more and more everyday.



Currently Looking into Plastics with Dr. Carden (in Mexico)

(deactivated member)
on 11/18/10 10:52 am - Hendersonville, TN
I had a lapband revision to VSG in April, I traveled out of state since I was self pay. I LOVE having my band gone. That thing was horrible. Our stories sound very similar. I am very happy with my decision.

Good luck in whatever you decide. I would go for it!!
on 12/4/10 10:26 am - Hustonville, KY
I've not had my revision yet (working through the insurance nightmare) but I've been working with Dr. Houston in Nashville.  He is an excellent revision surgeon (not to take anything away from Dr. Spaw) but there each insurance company is different and has different requirements for revision.  The big one is documented complications that cannot be corrected without surgery.  My two big issues right now are hiatal hernia and severe reflux.

Things to consider is what do you want to revise to?  I agree that since the band is strictly a restrictive procedure, you may want to look into the malabsorbsive procedures, especially if you have a high BMI.  I too am partial to the DS because of the research I have done, but each one of us have to make a decision that is best for us. 

Good luck!

Highest Weight:  564 /  Post Band Pre DS Weight:  508 / Surgey Date Weight:  449
Current Weight:  209 / Goal Weight:  150 (BMI of 25).

on 1/1/11 1:26 pm - San Diego, CA
I has lapband for 3 1/2 yrs and had alot of problems with my stomach swelling closed after a fill. I had it taken out and had the RNY and have done great with it ! Im glad I had it done.
on 1/2/11 11:22 pm - TN
Thanks everyone!  I had my revision done on 12/15.  I had a RNY.  I would have liked the DS, but I don't think my BMI was high enough.  As it is, I'm adjusting to the gastric bypass and having severe nausea.  I'm told that will pass.  I am so happy to have the band gone, though. I was so tired of throwing up everything!

Good luck to everyone in their journey.  I just started a new one!
on 1/3/11 6:43 am, edited 1/3/11 6:43 am
I wish I had seen this sooner. I ended up switching surgeon's because Williams would not do a LW DS'er but Dr. Boyce will. My DS is scheduled for 1/24 with Dr. Boyce and my BMI is 35.4. I refused to have a RNY!


Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 1/3/11 10:52 pm - Hendersonville, TN
One of my co-workers had a revision from Lapband to VSG about 3 months ago. She had it done at Centennial Hospital, but I forget which doctor. She recovered nicely and is doing really great with weight loss. Perhaps she will see this post and comment... I don't think she checks into OH very often, though.
 Height 5'9" Highest BMI - 45.3 Current BMI - 24.2
03/27/10 - 307 (pre-surgery),    03/30/10 - 303 (surgery),    Now - 164    
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