PCP Visit

Cheryl P.
on 8/29/10 9:26 pm - Antioch, TN
Well today is my last of my 6 PCP visits. Had my psch eval last week and passed with flying colors. I have a EGD scheduled for 09/16 and if all is good with that, then my paperwork can be started. I can't wait for this roller coaster ride again. I have been through so much these last 9 months or so and I am just ready to get this done so I can start improving my life and hopefully get off of some of my meds and possibly my CPAP.

I will try to post any updates and for sure will post when I get my DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




on 8/30/10 1:41 am
You passed your psych eval?  What happened?  I just loved the crazy Cheryl!  Or should that be the fun loving Cheryl?  Just kidding around with you, sweets. 

So glad you're moving ahead and getting back in the race for health.  It's been rough for you and you deserve all the best that life has waiting for you.  Keep us posted so we can get critters in motion and prayers going up while you're in surgery and recovering.

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