Upcoming Surgery

on 8/1/10 2:23 am
Hi from the new guy,

  I just recently signed up (and found really) here and am having my surgery in a little more than 24 hours.  I feel mentally prepared for the lifestyle changes, but I just have some minor mental hiccups right now going into surgery.  I feel like such a wimp but the thought of a central line (which given it's near impossible to get blood out of me, or put an IV in me, I know it's coming)  scares the hell out of me (I have a phobia of needles, and unfortortunately watched one being taken out) and the other thing that I'm afraid of is not remembering my vitamins (I suffer from Adult ADD, moderate to severe levels).  They may seem like such small hurdles, but to me.. I just haven't been able to calm down when I start thinking about either one.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still having surgery but I just wonder if anyone else had hiccups like this?  Also does anyone have any suggestions on how to best remember vitamins or tricks that work for them to share?  (Took forever to get to the point huh?)

  I do have a great support network not only in the Centennial Medical Center support groups/staff but also in my wife who had a RNY in May and coworkers who've had some form of WLS as well.  I've also been friended by a couple people here already who have given some great words of support so I know this place will be good for me too.

  Anyway thanks for any replies and if I'm slow to respond.. I may be in the hospital recovering...
on 8/2/10 3:07 am - Morris Chapel, TN
I just wanted to stop by and say good luck with your surgery today. I have my DS scheduled with Dr. Houston at Centennial on 8/10 so I don't have any advice on how to keep track of the vitamins as this is all new to me too but hopefully someone will respond with their experience.

I believe we were actually in the same pre-op class on 7/19, what a small world. As soon as you feel up to it let us all know how your doing and your experience with the surgery.

Good Luck!!

HW 263  SW 258  CW 190           
on 8/2/10 2:14 pm, edited 8/3/10 1:35 am
  I type this as I'm in an excruciating amount of pain from my neck and wrist... unfortunately they canceled my surgery because I had a large nosebleed as they tried to place the breathing tube in my throat (which I was wide awake for, which I wasn't ready for mentally since they implied we'd be out for that).  Basically they had me gagging so hard that my nose started bleeding and they kept going so it never really got a chance to clot as my throat spasmed.  

  I was unfortunately fully aware and in no way sedated while they put in the central line or the arterial line in my wrist.  I was really less then thrilled with the level of care provided by the anesthesiologists.   I said stop at least twice and they in no way slowed or stopped what they were doing.  I was in so much pain from my neck once they placed the central line I could not move it(and can still barely even though it's out).

  Basically, I got to go through all the parts of surgery that scared the living hell out of me, without the surgery.  

  Next, I have to go see a hematologist and then back to my surgeon to find out where we're going next.   Oh and because I didn't have surgery, I get to go back to work (nevermind I work in a call center and can barely talk) and most likely take a warning at work for the number of missed days at work (since I won't have missed enough days for FMLA to kick in)

Overall, this is really making me question if I can really do this again...

That's all for now.. feel free to leave any more questions or support and I'll check later..

(if it doesn't say this.. I'm editing after this point)

 I'm not blaming Dr. Olsen or Centennial in any way for this... if I blame anyone other than myself it would have to be AMG as they didn't ask me or appear to gauge me in any way that I was sedated after they supposedly gave me something to do that.  Dr. Olsen was there multiple times and was very caring about the whole thing..
on 8/3/10 3:36 am - Morris Chapel, TN

I'm so sorry things didn't work out as planned with your surgery. I'm a firm believer that things happen for a reason, but in no way do I believe the reason is not to have the surgery at all. Good things come to all those who wait. Yesterday just was not your day but soon it will be. I would definately meet with Dr. Olsen and even the AMG so things are done differently next time, as we were all under the impression that all those things were done when we were "knocked out".

Please keep us updated to your progress and new date.



HW 263  SW 258  CW 190           
on 8/3/10 7:29 am
  I was going to give up for about two hours after I got out of the OR... I just about made my wife cry because I said to her that I was just done.  I've had alot of problems just getting to that point and to have to be terrified like I was and in pain like I am now is just frustrating.. but then I started telling myself it was small steps that led me here and small steps can get me past this.  I went to the support group today and just sort of talked (the little I can) and listened to people to reassure me this is something I need to do to keep myself from having major medical problems down the road.  I've been lucky so far, but if something doesn't change it's not if but when.  
  I'd much rather you take away from my story not the scary stop in the middle, but the sometimes things don't go quite the way you expect them, but you can overcome them. 
on 8/23/10 9:46 am

So here we are again... 12ish hours until I get have to be at the hospital for round two... We'll see how this one goes... I'm still worried about remembering vitamins and there's some other things on my mind after poking around here... but it's not enough yet to deter me.. I think..


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